Posted in Fun

Flea Market Finds…Forbidden Fruit for an Incurable Collector

Collector’s Corner – Man Cave

I confess…I collect stuff. I can’t help it. A peek into the Man Cave reveals much about my obsessions.

Visitors will see an assortment of glass paperweights, a souvenir mug or two, my collection of stamped pennies—the kind that has been deposited into a machine at someplace like Niagara Falls or Panda Park. You would also find my collection of miniature automobiles, mostly 55 Chevy and FJ Cruisers.

There’s one collection in the Man Cave that you can’t miss…my collection of souvenir sewing thimbles. Yep, I said sewing thimbles. This all started thirty-five years ago when I bought one as a souvenir of the 1982 World’s Fair in Knoxville. A few months after that purchase, Helen (adorable wife) and I were in Disney World and I spotted a thimble with Mickey Mouse on it. Two thimbles make a collection I suppose and thus it began. It seemed harmless.  Thimbles are smaller than shot glasses, certainly smaller than beer mugs, and less obtrusive than tacky refrigerator magnets. I know about all of these because I have a collection of them too; although to a lesser degree than thimbles.

My thimble collection now totals 213 and growing. Most of my thimbles represent a town or state that I have visited while traveling. I’m not through traveling and I’m not through collecting thimbles either but they’re becoming hard to find since most souvenir stands and gift shops don’t stock them anymore. Therefore, I search for them during my favorite activity on road trips…browsing through flea markets.

Flea markets are dangerous territory for an incurable collector, but we’ve been through a bunch of them. I thought it might be fun to show Easin’ Along readers a few of the discoveries we’ve made while visiting some great ones. Listed below is our top ten, ranked in no certain order.

Stars Antiques – 526 Pier Avenue, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

This place is huge and it is loaded with stuff on two floors. We visit it every time we go to Hermosa Beach for a visit with our family and I have yet to find a thimble there. I did, however, make two purchases there that are treasures. The first was made about six years ago when our daughter-in-law was expecting our only grandson and I happened to notice a somewhat worn framed drawing of a little blonde boy kneeled in prayer. I couldn’t resist picking this up for the expectant Mom. It hangs in our grandson’s room to this day and the image bears a remarkable likeness to him.

I also purchased a framed print of two cartoons drawn by World War II cartoonist Bill Mauldin of his famous dogface soldiers, Willie and Joe. I loved Mauldin’s book Up Front, about the life of soldiers in the war and have read it more than once.





Main Street Antiques – 46 Main Street, Plymouth, MA 02360

Not only did I find thimbles in this large antique shop, I found a display case as well.  In it were a dozen thimbles representing places we visited while Easin’ up the East Coast and I took the plunge.  It now hangs on my wall (pictured, top of the page– lower right).  You can also see that it is now completely filled.

As I was leaving this store, I spotted a Mickey Mouse watch that I had to have (did I mention my watch collection?). At $35 I considered it a bargain.

Albertsons Antiques – International Falls, MN 56649

Helen collects Vaseline glass and has some nice pieces including candlesticks, small candy dishes, and plates among other items.  She spotted a pitcher in this quaint shop run by an eccentric old fellow in International Falls who drove a hard bargain.  In the end, this probably wasn’t genuine Vaseline glass, but we had fun browsing and, I found four thimbles that he let me have for the ridiculously low price (Mr. Albertson’s words) of $12.50.

Merchant’s Antiques – 320 N. Beaton St, Corsicana, TX 75110

We were flea market shopping with a purpose in mind.  While on our trip to Los Angeles in Sherman, our Cruise America RV, we discovered that the coffee pot we purchased at the Goodwill Store had fallen apart and we needed a replacement. We found one in this well-stocked store.  It was priced at eight bucks! We got it for seven…

Calby’s Collectibles – 45 Everett Street, Bryson City, NC 28713

We had just purchased Bertha, our travel trailer and decided it would be fun to decorate and furnish her from flea markets as much as possible.  We found just what we wanted for silverware with an eight piece place setting of Lady Doris that dated to 1929 at Calby’s Collectibles for an investment of $55. It polished up well and now rests in Bertha’s kitchen.

Door County Traders – 147 N. 3rd Ave, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235





After we toured Lambeau Field and the home of the Green Bay Packers, I wanted a Packers sweat shirt (my usual winter attire) badly.  The problem was that at over $75, they were a bit too pricey for me. Soon thereafter we were in Sturgeon Bay, WI and I was snooping through this consignment shop for anything collectible and found my sweat shirt hanging on the wall. It was my size (XXL) and in excellent condition.  At $15.00, I couldn’t resist.

Sporting Treasures

Sporting Treasures – 305 Market Street, Clinton, TN 37716

Definitely no thimbles here but if hunting, fishing, sports memorabilia, and decorations are your thing, this is the place. A link to this rich treasure trove is here and in the sidebar of Easin’ Along.

Alan’s Pawn – 510 Paint Town Rd, Cherokee, NC 28719

Pawn shops located across the street from a casino can make for some very worthwhile shopping. Alan’s Pawn bears more of a resemblance to an upscale jewelry store than a traditional pawn shop, but I suppose that jewelry has come in handy more than a few times after a string of bad luck at the craps table.  I wasn’t looking for jewelry, but I did find a generation 4 Apple TV for Bertha at a bargain price of $70.  A new one would run around $120. After I uploaded an update for this little dandy it operated great and is eagerly awaiting football on the ESPN app while on the road this fall.

Apple TV



Tribal Pawn & Gun – 44 Frontier Dr, Cherokee, NC 28719

New cooler

 This is more in keeping with a traditional pawn shop. Inside there were rows of power tools and similar items.  I was just snooping around when I found a brand new Yeti style cooler that I bargained the manager down to $70 from $85. After a little “Googling” I found it to retail for around $116. I love it when that happens.

Key City Antiques, Black Mountain, NC

Key City Antiques – 105 Montreat Rd, Black Mountain, NC 28711

Key City Antiques

I’ve never bought anything there, but I visit this charming shop every other year when we attend a church retreat at the nearby Montreat Conference Center.

Honorable mention:

Art Fair – Brewster, MA





Not exactly a shop, but this experience was a wonderful way to spend the day on Cape Cod when the Labor Day traffic prevented us from going any further up the coast to the Cape Cod National Seashore. We didn’t buy anything here either, but we had a great time.

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure as the old saying goes and, looking at another man’s junk is a great way for an old retired guy like me to go broke saving money. Nevertheless, it’s great retirement activity and it sure it makes Easin’ Along the road less traveled a lot more interesting.

See picture gallery for a larger version of the pictures shown above. Gallery follows this post on home page. 

Posted in Fun

Flea Market Finds – Picture Gallery

Posted in Fundamentals

Easin’ Along…in Search of Perfection – Guest Blog

Sunrise over Lake Michigan

Retirement Reflections is a wonderful retirement lifestyle blog created by Donna Connolly, a resident of British Columbia. A link to her blog can be found here and in the sidebar on this page under blogs that I follow. Recently Donna asked me to submit a guest blog to Retirement Reflections for her Summer Sunday Series: Favorite Retirement and Lifestyle Bloggers. I consider her request a great honor.

As we observe the second anniversary of Easin’ Along and welcome the many new subscribers that have joined us in recent months, I decided to post the article I submitted to Retirement Reflections as a way of outlining what is meant by a retirement activity we call Easin’ Along. I hope you enjoy it.

We named our website Easin’ Along simply because those are the words that describe our retired lifestyle.  We invite readers along on a Slow Walk through the Golden Years with a focus on our faith, a love of the road less traveled, a passion for great food, and memorable moments with our family and our dear friends. From the beginning, our purpose was to participate in and promote an active retirement lifestyle, combine those activities with a love of writing, and share our experiences with Easin’ Along readers.

In the years leading up to retirement, Helen (adorable wife) and I had both compiled long “do lists” filled with things we hoped to accomplish once retirement was no longer just a plan. Our vision for the Golden Years was a busy lifestyle filled with activities that we could only dream about while working full-time. We had passions to pursue, and new interests to explore. Additionally, we both shared a craving for time spent traveling to fascinating places that lay just over the horizon and beyond. Our mission would be simple…catch sight of the perfect sunrise and toast the perfect sunset.

In my case, all hopes and plans probably have been propelled by memories of my father who, throughout my adolescence, kept a toy truck camper in his study.  That camper represented his dreams of long road trips with my mother once he put away his briefcase.  Unfortunately, cancer took away those dreams, and my father, before his 53rd birthday. To this day, the memory of his premature death prompts me to get up and get moving.

Within days of joining the ranks of the retired, we took Easin’ Along readers on a five-week road trip exploring the East Coast, traveling from the Outer Banks of North Carolina to the deep woods of Maine. We have taken readers on three more extended journeys since, including our most recent trip where we rented a motor home, named it Sherman, and drove from Chicago to the Pacific coast on a sojourn we titled Sherman’s March to the Sea.

Once smitten by the RV lifestyle, a travel trailer named Bertha soon followed us home. In the future, we will share some of our activities on the road with Bertha, either across the country or perhaps to a military installation…preferably near a beach town. We might also load up and head out to one of the many fairs and food festivals in a mountain community nearby. We’re perpetually on the lookout for events where we can enjoy the Bluegrass or Appalachian folk music for which our region is known, as well as the opportunity to amble over to a flea or farmer’s market and browse…slowly.  

When not traveling, we stay busy. Helen has found new interests that she enjoys enthusiastically having uncovered a love for both pottery and pickleball. Somehow, she manages to work both into a schedule that includes arranging flowers for the church, singing in the choir, and treasured time with friends. As for me, I serve as an elder in our church and sit on two committees there. I participate in two exercise classes at the YMCA, and my mission to master art through the lens of my camera is an ongoing endeavor.

If I’m completely honest, I will confess that there are aspects of working full-time that I find myself missing on occasion. I miss the friends and the relationships I accumulated over many years of a career building homes. I find myself missing time around young people and feeling the effects of their boundless energy and enthusiasm and their connection to things current. I miss the daily challenges that one confronts in the workplace and the process of finding successful solutions to those challenges. Finally, I miss earning a paycheck—not because of the money, but because every dime I ever received represented hard work, dedication, and a contribution toward the task of accomplishing a goal. Nevertheless, I’m not trading any of the above for the job I have now.

The greatest blessing to come out of retirement is that I have been afforded the time to write. I truly and truthfully enjoy every minute I spend composing posts and articles for Easin’ Along.  Having just passed the second anniversary of the first post, I can honestly say that being able to share our activities with others is both a gift and a joy. The thought that a weekly creative commitment is something to dread has never, ever, entered my mind and I cannot envision the day that I will tire of writing.

Helen and I also remain committed to the job of searching for the perfect rising or setting sun. Shared above is a sunrise Helen captured on a pre-dawn walk along the shores of Lake Michigan last fall, plus my favorite sunset photo, taken from the pier in Hermosa Beach, CA is shared below this post.  We have yet to witness perfection, but as is evident, we have ventured close. Therefore, our search continues and probably, hopefully, always will.  

Sunset, Hermosa Beach, CA

We remain firm in our conviction that retirement is the best gig going, and, for as long as we are able, we will continue…Easin’ Along. 

Joe Bruner retired from a career in the home building industry and a second career as an officer in the US Army Reserve.  He and his wife Helen, who retired from the staff of a private preparatory school, live in Knoxville, Tennessee. They have written extensively about their travels and retirement lifestyle on their website Easin’ Along (  Their articles also appear on and in R & R Travel News.