Posted in Fundamentals

Easin’ Along While Giving Back

Starting point – Charleston

As noted previously, I have a son who lives with his lovely wife and two daughters in Charleston, South Carolina. They recently purchased a fixer upper with great potential. The home sits alongside a beautiful marsh and a creek which flows into the Charleston harbor. The home came with a dock that was repaired by the previous owner at the time of purchase, but the long walkway extending out to the dock was badly in need of some work.

When Helen (adorable wife) announced that she was going to Destin with some pals in her pottery class, I offered to help with the repairs for a couple of days then head to Florida to meet her and unwind for a few days. Details of our trip to Florida and the Panama City area are posted in recent articles on Easin’ Along.

The weather was very cold in Eastern Tennessee, but spring was about to erupt in Charleston. The redbuds and wildflowers were in bloom when I arrived and temperatures were in the low 70° range. Our lumber (twenty five – sixteen foot boards) was on site and we were up early the next morning ready to do some sawing and nailing. This would be the first time I had done much in the way of construction since I retired from home building and I was looking forward to a face full of sawdust again.

Carpenter at work

Our plan was to saw all of the sixteen foot boards into four foot lengths before removing the old boards and nailing the new ones in place. Once we set up and got rolling, we had a stack of boards that were ready to be moved to the dock area. My son had to leave for work responsibilities so I took on the task of moving the boards with the help of my granddaughter’s wagon. Activity was suspended in the late afternoon so that I could enjoy a little granddaddy time with the two girls, but I’m not certain that I could have lifted another board anyway.

On the following day we were blessed with a beautiful morning to begin the task of removing the old boards. I felt fortunate to be there.  The view of marsh and the bay was stunning. Pulling up of the old boards was the hardest part of the job and we were very grateful when John, a neighbor came over and offered to help. I owe him.

View of marsh and harbor

As the old boards were being removed, I followed along and nailed down the new ones.  I had retained most of my tools from my construction days, and having a compressor and a nail gun helped out considerably.  I can’t imagine doing this task with an ordinary framing hammer. By the end of the second day, we had replaced one hundred of the old boards and were quite proud of ourselves…until we realized that we still had 275 to go to complete the job. Oh well, we made plans to tackle another phase of this task in April and I’ll be ready to take it on. 

Completed – Phase One

Charleston in April is something special…

My construction experience also came into play on another recent occasion.  Please read on.

In 2010 I laid down my hammer and left the home building industry after spending nearly 20 years knee-deep in mud and sawdust and having built approximately 125 homes. This was not a decision of choice. The financial crisis created by subprime mortgage lending was life changing for many home builders. Nevertheless, I was one of the more fortunate as I was able to survive and move on with many fond memories of my career. I loved the work and the work was good to me. As a result, I give back whenever I am able to contribute anything gained from that experience.

Site sign

Habitat for Humanity is a wonderful organization which builds safe and affordable housing in partnership with deserving families in need a decent place to live. For many years our church has participated as one of the volunteer groups that join the construction effort to help reduce labor costs. Volunteers were needed for our 11th house and I was more than willing to assist in any way possible.  

Habitat for Humanity – Wall Raising

The first day of most Habitat building projects is called “Blitz Day” where the objective is to construct the outside walls and install the roof structure and decking. I was assigned the 11 am – 4 pm shift but I couldn’t stay away so I arrived around 10 am to watch the activity and get a whiff of fresh lumber. To me, there is no better fragrance than spruce two by fours… unless there is the smell of hamburgers on the grill. Our volunteer grillmeister, B.T., was already hard at work preparing lunch for both shifts.

BT at the burger bar

Blitz Day turned out to be beautiful and there were smiles all around…including the faces of the prospective new owners who were busy helping out. The morning shift had forty hard-working volunteers and three of the exterior walls had been built and put in place when I arrived. The fourth wall was being lifted when I walked up to take the picture above.

Hard-working volunteers

Before lunch was served, Phil, a Habitat official, addressed our group to give a short overview of the Habitat mission and to introduce the soon-to-be owners. This family consisted of a mother and three adult children who had immigrated to America from Liberia, having been displaced by civil war in their native land. Two of the family members expressed their sincere gratitude to Habitat for Humanity for allowing them the opportunity to purchase a home and be involved in the construction. The male member of the family was already working two jobs to keep food on the table, but worked as hard, if not harder, than any of us that day.

Phil with new owners

After a splendid lunch, a second shift of 35 volunteers returned to the job. My assignment was to install fascia boards on the ends of the roof trusses.  It was obvious that I was out of practice as I was continually bending nails instead of driving them straight in but, by the last board, I was back in rhythm. I climbed down from my ladder and strutted proudly while admiring my work. I still had it.  The rest of my afternoon was spent handing plywood up to the brave souls installing roof decking. I don’t walk on roofs anymore.

The dedicated Habitat professionals are excellent to work with, and their supervision insured that everything went as smoothly as clockwork.  By around 3:30 that afternoon the roof trusses and decking were installed, the unused lumber was covered up, and the new home was swept clean. I was very impressed at how smoothly, efficiently, and safely the entire project had operated.   The home is supposed to be completed in two months time, and I have no doubt that the schedule will be maintained.

Blitz Day – Done Well

At the end of the day I shook hands with the new owners and the Habitat staff, returned my hammer to the loop on my tool belt, and slumped into Sophie (truck). While Easin’ Along down the road I acknowledged that I was tired but content. When looking for retirement activity, there is none better than giving back.

Posted in Food

Easin’ Along In the Oyster Republic

Oyster harvest – Apalachicola, FL

Who was the first person to eat a raw oyster? Without a doubt, this is one of the most vexing questions of all time. I don’t have the answer…I’m just glad it happened.

Helen (adorable wife) and I love raw oysters. In fact, we shared our first dozen together at Felix Oyster Bar, New Orleans, 1970. I wasn’t prepared to like them, but I was ultimately moved to act due to strong peer pressure from fellow Tennesseans gathered there to cheer for our Vols in the Sugar Bowl. It was love at first gulp.

On one of the first days of our visit to Panama City we were told by many, including AAA Guidebooks and Trip Advisor, that the best raw oysters were to be had at Hunt’s Oyster Bar.  The day was a little gloomy and overcast which made it perfect for a long lunch.  In addition, I was in the middle of my weight loss regimen therefore, a mere 86 calories per dozen fit perfectly into the program.

We arrived at Hunts at around 11:30 and promptly took two seats at the lunch counter.  This was fortunate because within minutes there was a line forming outside. We ordered a dozen each and split a small plate of batter fried shrimp and coleslaw. The oysters were shucked right in front of us but we didn’t know we were in the presence of a celebrity. It turned out that our “shucker”, a young man named Honor Allen, was the 2016 Oyster Shucking National Champion who will be competing in the World Championship in Ireland later this year. An article about his championship can be read by clicking here. Honor was very skilled in his craft and our lunch was served quickly. Helen and I both agreed that these were the freshest and best tasting oysters we’ve ever had. Having them shucked by the champ only added to the pleasure.

Hunt’s Oyster Bar – Panama City
Honor Allen – Champion Shucker

A couple of days later we were in the mood for another dozen or so as well as a little sightseeing, so we decided to head east to the capital of the Oyster Republic–the city of Apalachicola. We left our cozy cabin at NSA Panama City and drove along Highway 98. After a stop at the Base Exchange at Tyndall AFB for Helen to add to her wardrobe we continued eastward.  This part of the state is what I refer to as “Old Florida”. Southern Living referred to it as “Florida’s Quieter Side”.  Driving past the older homes along the waterfront and the 50’s style motels, I am reminded of the Florida we visited as young children with my parents. It is a comfort to know that some things never change.

We passed through the towns of Mexico Beach and Port St. Joe before we arrived in the quaint city of Apalachicola.  This town of slightly over 2,000 residents has a lot of charm and we had a grand time browsing through the small stores, galleries, and antique shops along the streets. Nevertheless, we were here for the oysters and kept an eye out for a shucking spot. We assumed that there would be plenty of choices since about ninety percent of Florida’s oyster crop come from Apalachicola waters. We checked out two of them.

Oyster boats

We first walked to Up the Creek Raw Bar and though it had a great view of the waterfront from the deck, it wasn’t quite what we had in mind in the way of atmosphere. We walked back to our eventual lunch place at Hole in the Wall Seafood and Raw Bar…good choice. The small restaurant was crowded, but the tables were large and would accommodate several patrons.  A very polite couple let us know that they were leaving and gave us a table to ourselves.

Lunchtime – Hole in The Wall Raw Bar

The Hole in the Wall Raw Bar had captured the same quaintness as the city of Apalachicola. There were baseball caps hung on the wall behind the bar and pictures on the walls of bygone days. Three men worked behind the bar shucking oysters while chatting with customers seated in front of them. Leaning against the bar was Barbara, the principal driver of the entire operation. This gal ran the place like an Army mess sergeant. She welcomed patrons with a throaty and direct, though polite, voice that could be heard by all. She took orders and relayed them to those responsible—again loud enough for everyone to hear.  She chatted up the “shuckers”, occasionally sprinkling in a salty phrase here and there but, overall, this lady kept the joint moving like a well oiled machine.

Barbara – Hole in the Wall Raw Bar

Barbara arrived at our table when it was our turn to order. We promptly asked for two dozen of her finest and a grouper sandwich to split. She announced our order to the “shuckers” (and the crowd). Our oysters arrived after a bit and I did a double take when they were placed in front of us. I think these babies were some of the largest oysters I have ever seen. “Big Fatties” is the only way I could think to describe them. They left Helen and me wondering if we could get this done.  We managed however and, although they were delicious, I have to give Hunts the nod for this trip mainly because they seemed a bit fresher. Nevertheless, I would recommend Hole in the Wall to anyone (and have).

Oyster lunch – Hole in the Wall

After we downed our last cracker, we paid up and tipped Barbara and the boys generously and took off on a walk for some more exploring before heading back to Panama City. We were in search of antique shops which is our favorite browsing activity. Helen likes to look for Vaseline glass to add to her collection and I enjoy looking for old watches and (don’t laugh) souvenir sewing thimbles. We found none, but had fun anyway.

Our last stop in Apalachicola was at Oyster City Brewing Company. Earlier in the week Helen had tried Hooter Brown, a brew from this company at the Main Deck Grill and Pub at NSA Panama City. The beer was lightly flavored with chocolate and honey, and while such a thing was unthinkable to me, Helen had taken a liking to it so we picked up a small growler to go. My honey is pictured here with her purchase. (More pictures in the Gallery).

Helen and her purchase

Although our day had been delightful, it was time to depart the Oyster Republic. We wanted to make the  return drive along the scenic gulf coast in the daylight. After loading up, we moved on…heading back to Hunt’s in time to pick up gumbo and lobster bisque for dinner back at our cabin. We do love good food!

We returned home the next day, but left Panama City content and convinced that retirement is still the best gig going. We are so grateful that we can enjoy it at the pace we call Easin’ Along.



Weight loss…down 20 lbs.

Down 20 lbs. 2/23



Day one weigh-in – Jan 12
Posted in Food

Apalachicola – Picture Gallery