Easin’ Along readers know that Helen was diagnosed with breast cancer in January this year and began a regimen of 12 weekly chemotherapy treatments shortly after. Even though the chemo drained her energy and resulted in some hair loss, we both feel that the treatments went well. With that phase of treatment behind us, we decided we needed an RV trip to relax and celebrate. The mountains of North Carolina called us.
Happy Holiday Campground in Cherokee, North Carolina, is always our first choice. With wide, spacious campsites and a bubbling creek to lull us to sleep at night, we consider ourselves fortunate to have such a lovely setting within a short distance from home. We planned a five-day stay, but we shortened our trip to three days due to some issues with my Mom. Three days would still provide a nice rest.
We arrived on Friday afternoon and began setting up when I realized I had made a big mistake. I’m unsure if I ever shared that I have sleep apnea and need a CPAP to sleep at night. I am utterly dependent on the machine; with it, I sleep—without it, I don’t. Unfortunately, I left my CPAP at home. I was not going to spend three days in the campground without sleep, so I decided to drive back to Knoxville and retrieve my sleep machine. Helen remained in the campground and watched people and the creek flow by.
I returned to the campground, CPAP in hand, around nine o’clock that evening. I was wide awake and suggested to Helen that we run over to the casino for an hour of fun before calling it a night. She was surprised. Usually, you couldn’t drag me out of my house at that time of the night, but Helen loves the casino and warmed up to the idea pretty quickly.
Cherokee Casino is about three miles from the campground, and on this Friday night, the place was hopping. As is our usual practice, we ventured off in different directions. I usually find an obscure part of the main floor while Helen wants to be in the middle of the action. Within fifteen minutes of unwinding with some casual gameplay, I received a text from my better half. “I won $2,142!” I could almost hear her screaming through the message. A picture of her at the winning machine is at the top.
By the time I found her, Helen had already received her winnings (along with a Federal tax form) and was eagerly looking for another slot machine to conquer. She held her own for the rest of the night and the rest of the trip. I coaxed a single one hundred dollar bill away from her vise-like grip on her money, but this was not my weekend. I did get one big thrill, however. On Sunday night, a lady sitting in the row behind me put four dollars into a machine and, on one pull, hit the jackpot for over $13,000. Everyone sitting around her rose and gave her a standing ovation. It was fun to see.
Before readers get the idea that the only thing we did was gamble, let me dissuade you. On Saturday, we drove to Sylva and spent some time at Captain Bill’s Flea Market. This is a vast market, and we walked to the end. Some booths had interesting items, but we resisted. At the last booth, I spotted a hardback copy of The Judge’s List, John Grisham’s latest novel, in like-new condition. Currently, I am reading Grisham’s The Whistler, featuring the same main characters. The lady running the booth let me have the hardback for five dollars. I consider the purchase my win for the weekend.
Relaxed and rested, we’re Easin’ Along.