The day after Helen and I returned from a wonderful (and wet) weekend camping trip with our church, we packed up again to spend a few days with some dear friends. Readers have met these folks before, and they are friends we made when we moved into a new neighborhood upon our return to Knoxville. Our youngest son was born ten days after moving in, and we lived there for twenty-one years. I cried when we moved out but left the neighborhood with great memories of great times with many great people.
Some of those neighbors moved on as well, but we stayed connected, primarily because six ladies in our group have spent a week together at the beach for forty years. The husbands stayed home to babysit in the early years. Now, we gather for dinner to catch up. It’s been a sad two years, however. We lost two of the husbands to illness, and we miss them immeasurably.
One of the ladies in our group shares a lovely home with her sister in the Blair Branch community near the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. She graciously invited us all up for a time of fun, companionship, and a birthday celebration for one of our friends. I promised (sort of) that I wouldn’t say who.
The Blair Branch community is adjacent to the famous Blackberry Farm, a four-star resort that draws well-heeled guests worldwide. Anne, our hostess, enjoys the opportunity to visit Blackberry and bring her guests with her. She booked us in for a day to check it out, and we jumped at the chance. The weather was great, and we needed the exercise.
Blackberry Farm is a unique resort, and the owners have worked hard to make it as complete a farm-to-table operation as possible. Extensive vegetable gardens supply many of the items found on the menu, and chickens, turkeys, and other game fowl provide fresh poultry for guests.
We visited the gardens and looked over the varieties of vegetables found there. Beets, cabbage, kale, and carrots filled the rows in one garden, as did zinnias and other flowers for the tables. Paw-Paws grew in one corner of the field but were not yet ready for picking. It’s an impressive operation.
In addition to our garden walk, we visited the kennel to meet the new puppies born on the Farm. These are not ordinary puppies but a specialized breed, the Logotto Romagnolo. As the name implies, Logotto Romagnolos originated in Italy and trained to hunt. Because of their keen sense of smell, these animals eventually were used to search for truffles in the Italian hillsides. Blackberry is in the process of preparing some land to grow truffles for the resort and keep these pups busy.
We entered the kennel area and immediately had one of the dogs rush out to meet us. They are lively fuzzballs and cute as they come. The trainer interrupted his session with one young pup to give us a bit of information on the breed and the operation of the kennel. He explained that the dogs are in high demand and sell for many thousands of dollars. Once sold, the trainer accompanies the dog to its new owner, wherever that is. He told us that he had delivered them all over America and to many foreign countries. At this point, there is a waiting list for Blackberry Logotto Romagnolos extending out over six years.
After our information briefing, we visited the newest pups in the kennel. Helen got to hold one, but he was a furry handful, and I couldn’t get either Helen or the puppy to remain still long enough to focus my camera.
After our afternoon on the Farm, we returned to Blair Branch to continue our time together. A roaring fire added much to the cozy atmosphere, and the conversation lingered long. We did much the same around the breakfast table the following day after Bloody Marys helped spice up the chatter. (Photos courtesy of the other Joe in the group.)
Oh, we finally got around to celebrating the birthday, but not before a mystery person stole a slice from the Red Velvet Cake that Anne prepared from scratch. We never discovered the culprit, but I did take a picture of the birthday person…the name remains withheld, but clues are everywhere.
In summary, everyone enjoyed a delightful time together, and the time for Easin’ Along came all too quickly.
Please join us next week. Helen and I are taking you to Edisto Beach, SC.