Posted in Fun

South Dakota…In a “Rush!”

Mt. Rushmore – Black Hills of South Dakota

The title of my blog, Easin’ Along, does not accurately depict the first week of this journey. Our two-trailer convoy blitzed across Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, and eastern South Dakota in a series of one-night stands until we reached Hermosa, SD, a short distance from Mt. Rushmore. We endured some temperatures that bordered 100 degrees and spent a lot of late afternoons inside our trailers. Thankfully, when we paused for a three-night visit in the Black Hills, the temperatures plunged, and we thrived on 70ish weather during the day and low 50’s at night.

Our convoy companions

With two full days to rest, stretch our legs and let our granddaughters run off some pent-up energy, we decided to visit Mt. Rushmore and Custer State Park. Rushmore, just a few miles away from our campsite in Hermosa, came first. After packing a picnic lunch, we were off.

Initially, I worried about crowds and maintaining proper social distance measures. Still, with no tour busses or international travelers, the crowd size at Mt. Rushmore was not significant, and everyone there was just as concerned about their safety as we were about ours.  I felt comfortable.

I have seen pictures of Mt. Rushmore all of my life but had no perspective of the size of the carvings.  The faces are massive, and I cannot imagine the skill or the effort required to produce a monument of this size and scope.  We attended a lecture by a Park Ranger on the creation of the memorial, carved by sculptor Gutzon Borglum beginning in 1927 and completed in 1941. The Rangers presentation was excellent; even my eight-year-old granddaughter soaked up every word.

Learning about Mt. Rushmore


Sylvan Lake, Custer State Park, SD

After Mt. Rushmore, we drove a short distance to Custer State Park to enjoy a picnic lunch before taking a one-mile stroll around Sylvan Lake. The cool temperatures and the scenic lake enhanced the pleasure of our walk, and the girls ate it up.

Although it was not part of our plans for this day, we decided to visit the Crazy Horse Memorial before returning to the campground. We opted to stay in the Visitor Center rather than take a bus to the sculpture. Instead, we watched a movie about this enormous, unfinished project that will require decades to complete. I wish them well.

Crazy Horse Memorial, SD

At that point, Helen and I called it a day and returned to Lucy.  Collin and the girls drove through the wildlife loop at Custer State Park and received an escort of three Bison. During the excursion, they came upon a small herd of wild burros and walked over to them.  Collin captured this picture of the encounter.  Her expression is priceless.

Pure joy!

Badlands National Park was our destination for day two. I hate to admit it, but I never realized that the Badlands was a National Park. I thought it was a desolate part of the country that was uninhabitable–that’s it. It probably is uninhabitable, but the beauty is stunning in its own right. Thankfully, our government had the foresight to create a National Park here.

Badlands National Park, SD
Nursery band of Big Horn Sheep – Badlands National Park, SD

Once again, the small number of visitors allowed us to roam at will without being overly concerned about social distance measures.  We took a hike along a marked trail to a canyon about a mile from the starting point. Cool temperatures kept the Badlands from being bad, and it felt great to get some exercise.

We made one stop on our way back to the campground to photograph a nursery band of ewes and lambs, Big Horn sheep separated from the rams in the herd, while the lambs bond with their mothers. They were perched on a narrow ridge overlooking a prairie. The peak was far enough from the side of the road to stretch my camera lens to the limit, but you can see that the sheep were large and probably sleeping off lunch.

Early morning fishing

On Saturday morning, our convoy companions would leave us and drive on to Jackson Hole to join my daughter-in-law’s family. Before they left, Collin was up early to try his luck at fishing the North Platte River beside the campground. I joined him to take some pictures. The fish were safe on this day, but the scenery was gorgeous.

North Platte River, Hermosa, SD


Before they left, we took a picture in our traveling T-shirts, passed hugs all around, and sent them on their way.  Helen and I will join them in a week. Week one was now in the books. From this point forward, we will slow down and go from blitzing across the country and return to a pace more to our liking…just Easin’ Along. See you on the trail.

Happy Campers
Easin’ Along

(Note: Click on any picture in this post to begin a slide show of all pictures enlarged)

















Posted in Fun

We Got a Convoy!


Two trailer convoy – ready to go!

We’ve been away for a while, but don’t pay the ransom–we’ve escaped! Actually, we spent the previous two weeks preparing for our trip to the northwest and the Canadian Rockies and loading our trailers. Yes, I said trailers. Readers may remember that we won an RV last fall in a local radio contest. We planned to tow Smoky (our name for the trailer) to California in March and give it to our oldest son and his family until COVID-19 shutdown derailed those plans but, we found a better one.

Shortly after canceling that trip, Collin, our son, who lives in South Carolina, called with a great idea. He and his family planned to spend three weeks in Jackson, Wyoming, beginning in late June with his wife’s family. They planned to drive instead of fly (can’t fault them) and offered to tow Smoky to Jackson and have Justin (California son) meet him there and tow Smoky back to California.

Helen and I have worked on our trip to the northwest for almost a year. Our original departure date was in late June but, after Collin made his proposal, we moved the date up by about ten days, added a few reservations, canceled others, and now had a brand new adventure that included our granddaughters. As the saying goes, “good things happen to those who wait.”

Of course, there is a plot shift to the story…

We have advertised Smoky for sale since late November. Although Smoky is a charming trailer, the floorplan only accommodated three people comfortably. We needed a trailer with bunk beds instead of one twin bed (in addition to a queen). We advertised Smoky for sale last November and had only token interest until two weeks ago when we began receiving some serious inquiries. Due to the pandemic, the public has decided that RV’s are the safest means of travel–and now in high demand. I scheduled three appointments on a Sunday afternoon to show Smoky to inquirers. The first couple that came by bought Smoky with no haggling. The person expected to arrive next called while I was closing the deal and upped the offer by a significant amount, but I turned him down. Smoky now belonged to Arnold and Tammy.

Smoky and new owners

Now, we had to get everything we planned to take to Jackson Hole out of Smoky and find another RV as demand for them was increasing by the day. I won’t detail the search process, but a miracle happened, and we found a 2020 bunkhouse model at the last minute. After camping a few times, times the previous owners decided they needed something that better suited their needs and purchased a larger RV. I snapped it up quickly, brought it home, and Helen and I spent two days cleaning and loading it for the trip. Our granddaughter in California gave our new trailer the name Heidi. After prepping Heidi, we spent an additional two days doing the same for Lucy, our fifth-wheel.


Collin and family arrived last Friday, and we took off on Saturday morning on a journey that will keep us moving until late September. I have posted a rough map of our trip below. As I write this, we are at our third stop in Nebraska City, Nebraska following stops in Paducah, KY and Columbia, MO. The temperature here hovers above 90 degrees, but we’re having a ball. If all goes to plan, we will spend three days in the Badlands and Mount Rushmore on the day this post is published. 

Trip map

I hope you will join us as we travel. We wish everyone a safe summer.  Stay smart, keep your distance, and we’ll get through this mess soon. Until then, we’re just Easin’ Along.

Posted in Fundamentals

Bucket List Revisited

Bucket List

Sometime in the late 1990s, probably around the time I turned 50, I spotted a two-page ad in a magazine that caught my eye.  I can’t remember the name of the advertiser or even the magazine for that matter, but I clipped out one of the pages containing a list entitled “20 Things You Should Do In a Lifetime” and pinned it to the bulletin board above my desk. That “Bucket List” stared back at me for months before I decided that, at age 50, there is much more to life than work, and that perhaps I should use the list as a loosely constructed road map for the next 50 years. Around the same time, I first saw the movie “Shawshank Redemption,” and I became struck by the expression “it’s time to get busy livin’, or get busy dyin’”.

Within a couple of years, Helen and I downsized and moved to a smaller home. During the move, the items on my bulletin board found their way into a file folder and thus forgotten. To be precise, I was busy livin’, but the 50-year road map had added a fork or two and, I suppose I was happy with the way things were going.

Earlier this week, I decided to do something everyone else is doing during this COVID pandemic and clean out some drawers and old files.  Among those old files, I discovered the “Bucket List” now twenty years old. Had I checked off any of the items on that list? I found a few and decided I would share my successes on Easin’ Along.


1. Visit the country your ancestors called home

The first item on the list was the easiest of all to check off because Helen and I moved to Germany shortly after we were married. Our family records indicate that I am a direct descendant of a family that migrated to America from Manheim, Germany, in the late 1700s. Imagine my surprise when I found the sign in this picture.

“Bruner” Market


2. Leave a dollar where a kid will find it

4. Lend money to a friend without expecting it back.

Number two is one of my greatest pleasures.  I love leaving money (and candy) around for my grandchildren to spot. I also send them a two-dollar bill in every letter I write to them.

Number four is something I suspect we’ve all done…Americans are so generous.


7. Teach a class

While waiting to enter the Army, both Helen and I signed up as substitute teachers at a Junior High School near our home. I didn’t teach those kids very much, but I enjoyed the experience. Later, I spent two years teaching Command and General Staff College courses to Army Reserve Officers.  That job was very challenging, but I’m proud of what we accomplished.


9. Plant a tree

As a homebuilder—been there, done that, and don’t want to do it again.


10. Fly the Concorde


This item should never have made a list.  The Concorde never made sense (or money) anyway.


12. Make your own beer

As a concession to my weight loss program, I’m not drinking beer right now, but I love it. A few years ago, my son gave me a beer making kit, and I was eager to try my hand a creating a good lager, my favorite brew. I followed the recipe and the steps explicitly. I stored the mixture in a dark closet at just the right temperature. I bottled it and placed it in the refrigerator to marinate. I thought the day would never come that I would take a big pull from one of the bottles, but it did.  Yuck!! Cat urine could not taste any worse than the stuff I put together. So much for beer-making—checked it off the list and went to a pub!

Home Brew


14. Learn to speak French

Learn is a relative term.  I took French in high school and again for a semester in college. I still remember some of it and can recognize a few words in print, but when we visited France, I tried speaking to some of the French people. I suppose they don’t understand French spoken with a Tennessee twist. My Latin is much better.


16. Be able to recite three good toasts.

If you look carefully at the original list (top of page), you should be able to spot two marks at the end of the sentence for this item.  I gave two toasts at rehearsal dinners for my sons.  They were damn good too. I’m saving the third one for the first grandchild to take the plunge, so this item is ongoing.


17. Kiss someone passionately in public

I think I had this one wrapped up by the second grade.



19. Shoot the rapids on the Snake River in Idaho

At the time I clipped this list from a magazine, my youngest was working in Jackson Hole, WY as an intern after college.  I called him one day and asked if he could book us on a float trip down the Snake, but it had to be in Idaho. He booked a trip on the western side of Idaho along the Oregon border.  My older son had was in the Army at the time and living in Utah.  He met us in Jackson, and we drove across Idaho to begin the trip. Without a doubt, this experience was one of the most wonderful of my lifetime. We entered the water early in the morning with two other couples from Oregon and a guide. We were at the very bottom of a deep, narrow gorge, and had plenty of fast water to keep us energized. Along the way, massive elk, the size of an Army tank, would walk out to greet us.  Long lines of Chukars came in and out of the grass beside the water to say hello. The trip lasted an entire day, and at the conclusion, a jet boat ferried us back up the river to the starting point. We were exhausted, but we had a day I’ll never forget.  The picture here gives a peek at the deepness of the gorge.

Floating the Snake

So, nine items out of eighteen checked off (I didn’t include the Concorde), and nine remain.  Honestly, I only see one other thing that I might complete—a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon. If I had discovered my file earlier last year, I would have scheduled a ride when we visited the Grand Canyon on our trip west. Oh, well, I plan to go back there.

Of the remaining items, I would genuinely love a balloon ride over the Serengeti but, unless I can get there by towing a fifth-wheel, I will probably have to pass. 

Thanks for letting me revisit my list with you. Share your list in the comments…please.  I’ll be Easin’ Along now.