We’re supposed to be parked on the shore of Lake Ontario this week. Helen and I had put together an August trip built around our 48th anniversary and a week at the Chataqua Institute in northern New York. After hearing lectures from world-renowned speakers on the subject of Global Power, plus evenings filled with concert music and talks on lighter subjects, we knew our heads would be spinning. So, we hoped to continue our journey and explore Swan Bay, NY, the Thousand Islands region, then venture into Canada, returning to Niagara Falls before heading home. With every detail arranged and Lucy serviced we were anticipating the trip. What’s that saying about “The best-laid plans of mice and men…”

During our trip out west this spring, I began to notice some discomfort in my right knee. I did my best to ignore it, thinking it was related to some long days of driving. Swelling in the joint soon followed and, by the time we made it back to Knoxville, I was in considerable pain. I made an appointment with the surgeon who replaced Helen’s knees last year, hoping for the best, but prepared for the worst. Sure enough, arthritis had gobbled a chunk of my knee and a replacement was the best option.
This story does not end here. Helen began to notice some pain in her right hip. Helen does not wait around. She immediately went to see the surgeon who replaced my hip last summer. The verdict…hip replacement, although other options were available. Those options, however, would only postpone the inevitable. As I write this she is in the pre-op classes at the University of Tennessee Medical Center. My classes take place in two weeks.
After digesting all of this distressing news we decided that we had no business ruining a delightful trip to New York and Canada only to hobble around with one hand on a cane and the other buried in a bottle of Advil. We canceled all of our reservations, gave each other a big hug, then went to our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. We may be in pain, but still blessed beyond words. There will be other trips.
We flailed around for a few days after putting our Canadian trip out of our heads before Helen decided that she couldn’t stand going through August without a camping trip to calm the soul. We may not be able to hike or do a lot of sightseeing on foot, but we can most certainly sit by a mountain stream while enjoying morning coffee. Helen called our favorite campground near Cherokee, North Carolina to see if a creekside campsite was available. Bingo…she booked one for three nights, thought for a minute, then called back and booked one more night. “Take that, you #*!% hip!”

The drive to Cherokee is only two hours which is about the limit with my knees as they are now. The jobs of hitching and unhitching Lucy (trailer) aren’t as easy as they used to be with good knees, but if I take it slow, I do ok. Walking for more than about five minutes and standing with my weight on my bad knee is where I get into trouble so, after getting Lucy settled, I pulled out my rocking chair and watched the creek go by. Things could be a lot worse. I placed a video here. See if you agree.
After a couple of days of reading and creek-watching, we felt like we could handle a day-trip to nearby Bryson City, NC, one of our favorite places in the whole world. We parked Butch (truck) on the bridge over the Tuckasegee River and took pictures of the flower arrangements planted in the boxes on the bridge railings. The begonias (above) stood out very dramatically.

Our usual first stop is Bennett’s Drugs which is now an antique store. About two years ago we purchased antique silverware for our camper here at a very reasonable price, and have returned every time we camp in the area. The shop is an eclectic mix of furniture, collectibles, old photographs and music albums. The shop owner also has two talking birds caged in the store which only add to the uniqueness of the place.

We walked more than we should have, but it’s difficult to leave Bryson City. We made stops at the wonderful chocolate shop to buy some dark chocolate brittle bark and some dark chocolate-covered toffee to take back to Lucy. At lunchtime we ventured into High Test delicatessen for the best sandwiches on the planet. We took them with us for the 10-mile drive back to Cherokee to enjoy by the creek. That night we visited the Cherokee Casino to see if we could get a down payment on the impending medical bills. I did great…Helen canceled me out.

Although we did very little on this trip, we managed to soothe the pains of our worn-out body parts as well as the pain of losing out on a trip to New York and Canada, but we’ll heal. We’re blessed, and we’re still Easin’ Along…with a slight limp!

Oh, shoot, Joe! What a disappointing turn of events. But, in true “Easin’ Along” style you have taken this and made the best of a bad situation. I was hoping to hear how much you loved the 1000 Islands (as we do!), but was glad to see that Helen was not to be denied and you got in a lovely 4 days to your favorite spot. Can’t beat that site on the creek…how lovely!
Had a bit of surgery myself last week…will have final pathology result next week, and hopefully that will be the end of it except for healing. As my mother said, It stinks to get old, but it’s better than the alternative! She also said aging is not for the faint of heart. Smart woman, my mom, she’s right. Still, we ARE blessed in so many ways.
All the best…hope the surgeries go as smoothly as possible. Who goes first?
Hi, Nancy,
Had not heard from you for a bit and was wondering if you were out of pocket. Hope you are healing nicely and can get that trailer back on the road before you head for points south. Can’t remember, but did you ever name the trailer? Thanks for the good wishes. Helen goes first. Her surgery is in early September and mine in late October. We each get to play nursemaid for a while. Have a great weekend!
I am so sorry your plans had to change, especially due to health issues. I hope surgeries and recoveries go well for both of you.
We are planning a trip to the Bryson City area in the near future, what campground did you stay in?
Thank you for your posts – I always look forward to reading them.
Hi, Teri,
We always stay at a campground in Cherokee which is about 10 miles away. Although it is in the middle of town, you wouldn’t know it because it is so secluded and the creek is always a delight. It is called Cherokee Campground and Craig’s Cabins. Tell LeAnn we said hi. Thanks for checking in and please come back.
Wishing you both the very best. Hopefully healing will go well & you will be back on the road soon.
Thinking about what you have ahead of you makes me realize my slow healing minor injuries are just part of aging.
I really enjoyed the RV life with my daughter & her family. I was healed enough to be able hike in the Tetons. Looking forward to next year when they head east.
Hi, Tandy,
Great to hear from you. We moving a little slowly right now and eager to trade in the worn out parts for some new ones. Thankfully we have some good surgeons here at UT to get that done. I love the pictures I saw on FB of you with your family in the Tetons. We’re heading that way next year but will probably be north of Yellowstone and closer to Glacier and Banff. Nevertheless, that is one of my favorite places to visit and glad you were able to hike while there. RV life is the greatest and I hope you get to do some more of it.
Chataqua and the Thousand Islands will still be there next year and you guys will be in a much better position to enjoy. Helen and I sound like book ends when it comes to wanderlust! We just returned from a short road trip and I am already planning the next one. Good luck with your tandem surgeries. May you be Easin’ Along in short order. P.S. I read your posts but don’t always comment, so please forgive me for not properly introducing myself. Feel like I know you guys already.
Hi, Suzanne,
Thanks so much for visiting Easin’ Along and taking the time to get to know us. We love our readers and are honored when folks like you take the time to reach out. Chataqua and Canada will have to wait, but we can still plan the next adventure while we’re recuperating. After all, planning and dreaming is almost as much fun as the journey. I jumped over to your blog and left you a note there. Your pictures are awesome and your writing is excellent. Thanks again for your visit and I hope you will come back.
Well, Joe, you and Helen sure bring new meaning to the word “togetherness!” I do love your attitude – focusing on your blessings rather than this serious, but temporary, delay in your adventures. I can’t imagine a more relaxing location than your beloved creek in Cherokee. Nature sure has its own special way of soothing the soul.
As for that dark chocolate covered toffee . . . Share?
Please know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you and Helen over the next couple of months. Take good care of yourselves!
Hi, Mary,
Thanks for the nice words. Connecting with nature is the aspect of RVing that I love most and our spot in Cherokee is the perfect spot for that. We didn’t do much on this trip, but we got what we needed by sitting alongside that creek. I can’t imagine a trip to Canada being any more relaxing. Has cooler weather moved into your neck of the woods yet? Oh, I’ll share one thing about that dark chocolate covered toffee…it was good! Thanks for stopping by, and please stay in touch.
Yes! We’ve been enjoying some beautiful weather – sunny, mid-70’s, low humidity. Perfect!
Hello Joe:
Thanks for the great blog.
Next week, my wife and I will be traveling south and staying in Bryson City and Knoxville. Sept. 23rd to Oct. 1st. We are contemplating moving and retiring to Knoxville, but not sure of our time frame quite yet.
Your blog from your trip to Bryson City was very timely for us. Of course we want to go to Bennet’fts Drugs and visit the High Test Deli.
In Knoxville, we have an open agenda. We just want to check out the city and discover what tickles our fancy.
Finally, best wishes to you and your wife Helen as you face some surgeries. Hope everyone has a speedy recovery.
Best Wishes Always,
Bill Griffith, from Pittsburgh, PA
Hi, Bill,
Thanks for the kind words. Glad to know you’re coming to explore our beautiful city. While here, I would highly recommend that you go by the Convention and Visitors Center on Gay Street in Downtown Knoxville. You’ll have access to a lot of helpful information and, if you arrive shortly before noon, you will be treated to the daily Bluegrass music show “The Blue Plate Special.” The one hour show is free and is broadcast around the world by local radio station WDVX. It is a lot of fun and a wonderful way to sample our music which is one of our finest assets. Enjoy. You will love Bryson City. Try out the Everett Street Diner for breakfast.
Hello Joe: A Brief word of thanks …
My wife and I just returned from our vacation to the Smokies and Knoxville. We took your suggestions to heart: while staying in Bryson City, we had breakfast at the Everett Street Diner.
While staying in Knoxville, we attended the Blue Plate Special live concert, twice, Sat. Sept. 28th and Monday, Sept. 30th. We would have missed these if you did not suggest them.
All in all we had a great time in Knoxville, we attended the Sat. morning Farmer’s Market and on Sunday afternoon, we attended the Hola Festival as well.
Thanks again for the great suggestions. I’m enjoying your retirement blog; keep those great tidbits coming.
Best Wishes Always,
Bill Griffith
Pittsburgh, PA
Hi, Bill,
I’m delighted that took advantage of the opportunities. I love the Blue plate Special and listen almost every day. We have great music in Knoxville, and one of the best Symphony Orchestras in the south. Helen and I are in Cherokee, NC right now and leaving in a few minutes for Bryson City to have breakfast. Maybe we can join you on your next trip through. Please stay in touch and enjoy your Fall. Joe
Wow, Joe, we’d love to meet you and Helen on our next visit. We’ll keep this in mind. Thanks for the wonderful offer.