When I retired, I wanted to explore photography as a hobby, so I picked up some equipment and began watching YouTube videos to learn the finer points of shooting and editing images. Soon, I carried a camera everywhere, and because I wanted to share my work, I created a blog. The hobby has served me well as a way to journal our travels once we added RVing to our lifestyle.
If the truth be known, however, Helen is the real photographer in the family. She doesn’t have a backpack of equipment like her husband–she uses a late-model iPhone and fills the library with photos from everywhere. Her gift is a strong feel for composition, contrast, and color, which always results in interesting shots.
As we moved down the West Coast, Helen used those skills to produce some great shots, and I invite you to take a peek at her portfolio. She snapped all of the pictures below except one from her iPhone. I did a little editing on some of them.
The San Onofre, CA campground is fertile ground for any hobby photographer, and Helen took full advantage of the opportunity. She captured me doing what I do best—filling a beach chair at sunset (above) and prepping our breakfast while watching our church service online.

A day trip to Long Beach was highlighted by coming upon a long line of piers filled with seals and sea lions–out came the iPhone.

A lovely sunset resulted in a selfie of Helen and her roommate.

At twilight, a gaggle of seagulls left the sand and came into focus.

On the rocky shore of San Onofre, Helen discovered the interesting-looking Wavy Turbine Snail and collected a bucketful. She would find some decorative purpose for them, but first, she had to clean them and soak them in bleach. That project lasted for several days.

When we moved to the Del Mar, CA beach, Helen captured our campsite, less than 100 yards from the surf.

A picture of a Del Mar sunset needs no words.

Mortimer met a running buddy on our morning walk.

Stunning weather greeted us on day one at Fiddler’s Cove Campground in Coronado, CA.

We’ve had a lot of rain here, but we also enjoyed a bright and colorful rainbow at the end of one of the passing storms.

Our first weekend was interrupted when I underwent an attack of appendicitis and entered the Navy Medical Center San Diego for treatment. I was fortunate to receive one of the last two beds available. I did not have surgery, but will once I return home.

After two days of heavy antibiotics and painkillers, the staff released me. Fortunately, I had one more week at Fiddler’s Cove to rest before starting home. I cannot say enough about my care at the Navy Hospital.

Helen was there to record it all.
I’ll have more about our visit to Fiddler’s Cove in a future post. We’re Easin’ Along.