Posted in Fun

Dolphins at Dawn

Dolphin at Dawn

Helen and I have camped at Edisto Beach (SC) State Park for seven years. We always come for two weeks in November. There were a couple of years when the weather was “iffy,” but most years, we have enjoyed glorious sun-filled days and cool, crisp nights. In other words, perfect camping weather.

We have camped in Edisto enough to know the best sites to reserve (translation: THE PERFECT VIEW, according to Helen). This year, we rewarded ourselves with a campsite that afforded us a fabulous view of the marsh and the setting sun. We can hear the sound of the shore birds, listen as the mullet breaks through the water, and absorb the pungent smell of the pluff mud and the sea-salt air. We had the perfect spot for a two-week visit.

Sunset – 11/12/2024

After setting up camp, it was time to say “hi” to the beach, hidden from our view by an extensive dune protecting the campground from rough seas. There was barely a sole on the beach. The solemnity was shouting at me. I took a short walk to test the water. The surf and sea foam were surprisingly warm. I returned to our campsite in time for Happy Hour and the first sunset we witnessed during our stay.

Collin, our son who lives in Charleston, came the next day and generously loaned us his golf cart. The cart was handy for trips to the nearby grocery store and seafood market. Mortimer fell in love with the cart and would walk to it as soon as he came out of our trailer. He rode around like a chauffered movie star. Thanks, Collin.

Ready to Ride

During our first week, the Beaver Moon rose and pulled the tides to a height that threatened our campsite. Water came in from the marsh and filled the yard behind our camper. Thankfully, the water receded almost as quickly as it rose, and we managed to stay above it all. The surf rose to the dunes. There was no beach during high tide.

Throughout our stay, the sunsets were spectacular. For some of those spectacles, the colors that rose after the sun went below the horizon were just as stunning. I have never had more fun with my camera. There are a few examples below.

Sunset – 11-17-2024

Late in the first week, I realized I had slept through too many sunrises and resolved to make at least one before departure. At 6:00 am, I dragged my fried seafood-filled old body out of bed, threw on some sweats, grabbed my camera, and walked to the shore with Helen. The sky was warming up for the show. A few others stood on the sand, camera in hand. Suddenly, a pod of playful Dolphins swam directly before me as if to announce the coming attraction. I lifted the camera and snapped away. That picture is at the top of the page, but I have plenty of the main event.

Sunrise – 11-18

Helen and I took two side trips while at Edisto. The first was to a small town fifteen miles away to do our laundry at a nice laundromat—there are none in the tiny village of Edisto Beach. Another more enjoyable trip was to Botany Bay, a wildlife preserve about five miles from the campground. Helen and I visited this tiny island about four years ago and could not believe the large number of Conch shells lying on the sand—literally hundreds. Things were different this time.


Beach erosion has almost destroyed the entire island and washed away most of the Conch shells. An educational sign noted that the shoreline has receded over 2,500 feet since 1950. The large Live Oaks that covered the island succumbed to the salt water and storms and now lay as a mass of bones on the beach. Erosion uncovered ancient beds of pluff mud, buried for centuries. Visitors cannot take shells from Botany Bay, but many hang Conch shells from the dead limbs of the fallen trees. On our previous visit, a group of archaeologists was digging through a shell mound for artifacts. The digs have ceased because the water is so close that the work gets washed away before completion.

Mortimer and Me

I must go now. Mortimer is begging for a cart ride, then it will be time for my nap. Enjoy your week. Have a lovely Thanksgiving, and count your blessings. I count mine every day. We’re so blessed. We’re Easin’ Along.

Easin’ Along
Easin’ Along

19 thoughts on “Dolphins at Dawn

  1. Joe,
    Amazing pictures! You have really mastered sunrise and sunset photos. Have fun and safe travels.
    Judi B

    1. Good morning, Judi!
      We enjoyed an awesome time in fabulous weather. I had a lot of fun with my camera, and the sunsets were even better in person than through the lens. We head home on Monday. Hope to see you at exercise class. Thanks for stopping by. Joe

  2. Lovely post and photos, Joe. Dan and I are back in FL after a summer of drs surrounding a foot amputation (elective) for Dan. Thankfully he is up and about again.
    Contemplating leaving the US for the EU, maybe Portugal. America is no longer the country I thought it was. Sadly.
    Best to you and Helen,

    1. Hi, Nancy!
      Great to hear from you! Please give Dan a big fist bump for me, as well as my best wishes going forward. It’s good to know he’s up and about. Please keep me posted on your whereabouts, and so glad you stopped by. Joe

  3. Your photos are stunning, Joe. The colors are just fabulous! I especially love your photo of the egret flying over the marsh. And I love the photos of Helen and the movie star and you and the movie star, LOL! I hope you’re getting him a golf cart for Christmas. 😂
    Happy Thanksgiving to you three!

    1. Good evening, Laurel,
      Mortimer LOVED riding in the golf cart. Every time we took him out for a walk, he went straight for the cart and would not leave. It was fun because the campers at Edisto would stop us to give him a love pat. The sunsets were vey cooperative while we were there, and our campsite gave us a wonderful view. Hope all is well in Flat Rock, and things have returned to normal. We leave for home on Monday and will have to detour around Asheville toward Hot Springs, NC. Hopefully, the I-40 road repair will go swiftly. Always great to hear from you. Joe

  4. Mother Nature treated you to some outstanding colors, Joe, and your photos of her artistic efforts are terrific! It sounds like you picked a beautiful campsite – and one that would be right up our alley. It never fails to amaze me just how much the right site can enrich your camping experience. You and Helen have definitely nailed down the art of relaxation. And that Mortimer – he is way too funny and one very smart cookie! Happy Thanksgiving to all three of you!

    1. Good morning, Mary!
      We aniled it on campsite, and were rewarded handsomely. The weather was great also. I got your text and that date will work for us. I’ll reply later. Have a blessed Thanksgiving. Joe

    1. Hey there!
      We had the perfect campsite for capturing sunsets, and got very lucky on the sunrise. Great to hear from you. It appears that you and Richard have enjoyed another busy month. Ain’t retirement grand? Please stay in touch. Joe

  5. Your photos in this post are absolutely beautiful. I can see why you had fun with the camera. In my opinion, it’s always worth dragging oneself out of bed to watch a sunrise and your images prove my point. Stunning! Another great camping trip.

    1. Good morning!
      Coming from someone very skilled with a camera, I consider that a high compliment. We had some great sunsets, but that sunrise was awesome. Great to hear from you. We’re wishing a blessed Thanksgiving to you and your family. Joe

  6. So that’s why I haven’t seen you in a while 🙂 Looks like a great time.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    1. Good morning, Rachel,
      It’s great to hear from you! I hope your Thanksgiving was a great one. We enjoyed a fantastic time at the beach then got to spend some time with our granddaughters in Charleston. Other than doing a lot of walking, it’s obvious I need some good exercise, so I’m looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for checking in. Joe

  7. Joe, the beauty you see through your lens at Edisto Beach makes me long to return to Jekyll Island. Your sunset photos are magnificent, but there is nothing like a sunrise over the ocean. You’ve captured it beautifully. Having said that, my favorite photo is of the sunset over the marsh. That starburst makes it spectacular.

    I’ll admit to having to Google Pluff Mud, as it looked like Coquina at first glance. It sounds nasty, but makes for a great photo.

    It’s nice to see that Mortimer has officially established his position as head of the family. Actually, I’m pretty sure that happened on day 1.

    1. Good morning, Suzanne,
      Many thanks for the kind comments–they’re special since they come from a fantastic photographer. Our campsite was perfectly situated for capturing every sunset. Capturing the sunrise required a little discipline to leave a cozy bed, but I was rewarded handsomely. Pluff mud and a marsh make a very interesting settting. It’s beautiful in low light, and home to storks, herons, spoonbills and other winged creatures during low tide. It’s also home to nasty, mud covered racoons that love to come out at night and crawl all over our picnic table.

      Mortimer has assumed the position of Grand Duke of Grousemoor (our street) and gets his share of royal treatment. I love this boy!

      Thanks for checking in. Wishing you and Malcolm a lovely Christmas season. Joe

  8. Joe, I think you’ve got the best campsite. Your photos are stunning. It’s always delightful to see dolphins or birds in their natural habitats. I’m catching up on blogging. Happy holidays to you and your family.

    1. Good morning, Natalie,
      I understand “catching up” because I’ve been doing it for almost a week. So glad I made it over to read about your Scotland trip. We go to Edisto Beach every year, but haven’t made it to a sunrise for a while. I finally got there and was rewarded handsomely. Always great to hear from you. Sending blessings for a wonderful 2025. Joe

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