When we began traveling in an RV in 2017, we learned two things about the RV experience very quickly. First, and most importantly, we realized immediately that the RV lifestyle was a perfect fit for us and that we would spend a lot of time on the road less traveled.
After our first camping trip along the coast of North and South Carolina in a 16-foot long Coleman camper, affectionately named Bertha, we learned that a 16-foot trailer was not large enough for extended travel. When weather issues forced us to spend extended periods indoors, we realized we needed more room.
Over the next three years, we continued to move up in size through three more trailers. Sounds crazy, I know. Admittedly two of the purchases were impulse buys, and one of those two was a pure mistake.

Nevertheless, we learned a lot about what we needed in an RV and a tow vehicle. Ultimately, we found Lucy, a 32-foot fifth-wheel manufactured by Grand Design that we lived in through two trips to the west coast and an extended trip to Florida and the Keys. We also found a Ford F-250 to tow Lucy, and I upgraded the rear end to increase the towing capacity. Finally, we had the equipment we needed…or so we thought.

We loved Lucy and were very comfortable traveling with her. Helen had a workspace in the rear, and I had plenty of room at both the dining table or in the recliners. Helen had one complaint, however. She felt that the design of Lucy did not permit enough sunlight to enter. Lucy had only one large window and no skylights. I admit she was right about this, but I could live with it.
During our recent trip to the Rockies and the west coast, we camped for four days in Moss Landing, California. Camping next to us, a couple from Washington traveled in a fifth-wheel slightly larger than Lucy, also manufactured by Grand Design. This fifth-wheel had enormous windows. Helen approached the couple and asked for a tour. Next, she came into Lucy, grabbed me by the hand, and escorted me next door, telling me, “You’ve GOT to see this!” Once again, she was right.

The trailer, a Grand Design Solitude, featured large windows on the curbside, a large kitchen island, and a residential refrigerator–with an ice-maker. The bathroom was large as well, and a large window over the Queen bed allowed for an unobstructed view of the stars at night. Helen fell in love, and I agreed to look into finding one when we returned home.
In Knoxville, the dealership we used previously had a 2021 version of this trailer (uh-oh). Anyone who has shopped for RV’s this year is well aware of the demand for them and that they are pricey. We obtained a price for the Solitude, but it was well beyond the budget.
Later in the week, I searched the internet for the same model, thinking I might find a slightly used one that I felt worthy of checking out. The search turned up a new 2020 model of the same trailer in Ashland, KY, a four-hour drive from Knoxville. I called the dealership. Over the phone, we worked out Lucy’s trade details, contingent upon a satisfactory inspection. I made a reservation for a campsite in Ashland, and we left the next day with Lucy in tow.

The next morning, we towed Lucy to Summit RV and went through one of the most pleasant sales transactions I’ve ever experienced. The people were friendly, polite, and very professional. I felt confident we received very fair treatment. We later learned that this trailer sold twice previously, and both deals fell through. Because this was a 2020 model, the dealership was eager to move it, and, in walks Joe and Helen. Their offer was well within our range, and we made a deal.
While the new trailer was cleaned and prepped, we unloaded the few remaining items from Lucy and watched as a tractor towed her slowly to the back lot. My feelings were similar to sending my last child off to college. Lucy was gone. Dora (as in “The Explorer”) took her place.

I’m not making promises, but I’m strongly suggesting that Dora will be with us for years to come. Our first trip to Big South Fork on the annual camping trip with a group from our church convinced us that this was the one. Helen used the time to do her usual nesting and organizing while I watched the Tennessee football game. We loved the open feel of our new RV.

After the initial trip, we are now in Edisto Beach, South Carolina, for a couple of weeks to take in some salt air, spend time with our Charleston kids, and finish getting Dora organized. We arrived in time for TS Eta to dump torrential rainfall on top of us, but we rode out the deluge in our comfortable surroundings. The storm is moving out as I write this post, and the forecast is for clear skies for the remainder of our stay.

One last bit of excitement…On the trip to Edisto from Knoxville, we stopped for two nights in Cherokee, NC, to split up the travel time and try our luck in the casino. The first night was not a real winner, just a bit flat. On night two, I played a few games, and when I got ahead, I walked over to play the Wheel of Fortune machine. After four pulls, I hit the jackpot and walked away with $2,300! I had rather be lucky than good.

From Dora’s dinette in Edisto Beach, SC, we’re Easin’ Along.

The good life rolls on!!
Slowly…very slowly.
‘Loved, loved, loved your Dora Story & CONGRATULATIONS on your Cherokee WINNINGS!!!!! Dora’s bringing you luck for sure!!!!!! Have a great coastal visit with Collin & Family!!! Conni & Townsend
Good morning, Connie,
So far, everything is going well. We saw the girls Wednesday night and we still love Dora.
Better weather arrives today. Wish y’all could join us. Have a great weekend! Joe
Love the Dora story!!! Congrats on your winnings!!! Love the openness of the new event. Looks so roomy and bright!!! Enjoy!!!
Thanks, LuAnne,
Dora is a great fit for us. Helen is doing her nesting thing while I watch the Masters. Have a great weekend! Joe
Way to go guys … a win at the casino and a win with a new rig!
Thanks, Ingrid,
Not sure which I was more excited about. The bells in the Wheel of Fortune machine gave me a jolt for sure, and drew quite a crowd. We love the new rig tho’. Have a great weekend and stay in touch! Joe
Congratulations Joe, on the new wheels and your winnings! That’s some fancy rig. Enjoy.
Thanks for taking time from your beach trip to check in. We’re at the beach ourselves and getting the “beach house” organized. Enjoy your weekend and have fun. Looking forward to our pictures! Joe
Beautiful motorhome. We lived in our 34 Holliday Rambler without slide outs for 4 years. We had a blast.
Hi, Debbie,
RV lifestyle is hard to beat. We look forward to every trip. Thanks for checking in. Please come back. Joe
Hey Joe,
Congrats on the new trailer and winning at Cherokee. That makes two big wins for you. You should be ready to win the lottery now. I wish I had purchased a fantastic trailer like that when I was on contract jobs, my per diem would have paid for it. Alas, I was too shortsighted.
We use military campgrounds a lot when traveling and meet young officers who use their housing allowance to buy a big fifth-wheel and a tow vehicle and live in the base campground. Makes a lot of sense to me. Thanks for checking in. Have a great weekend. Joe
Hi, Joe and Helen – This is such a feel-good post. Dora is perfect…and the Wheel of Fortune winnings were wonderful icing on an already sweet cake! l look forward to reading about your future travels with Dora.
Good morning, Donna,
As my old coach once said, “Do it until you get it right” and that phrase certainly describes our approach to finding the perfect RV for us. I think we finally got it right. As I send you a reply, I’m sitting at the huge window overlooking the Marsh at Edisto Beach with the sun coming up behind me. Life’s good! Great to hear from you. Have a wonderful weekend! Joe
Hey, Joe! I just realized that you have an impressive habit of surrounding yourself with beautiful women – Helen, Bertha, Lucy and now Dora. Dora is gorgeous, and I completely understand Helen’s love of all the natural light because that’s one of the features that drew us to our current travel trailer. The bigger windows allow us to enjoy the natural world even when we’re indoors. Congrats on your casino win – what a wonderful way to end your adventure!
Good morning, Mary,
Well, I can’t leave out Betty and Gracey but, who’s counting?
We’re at the beach in South Carolina soaking up some beautiful weather and hugs from two granddaughters. We’re very blessed, and very grateful. Have a great week! Joe
I have enjoyed your posts and experiencing your adventures through them, for years! This has helped me plan where we want to go. Keep them coming!
Hello, Pam,
Thanks for letting us hear from you. I would love for you to reach out by email and let us know which part of the county you call home. We are having a wonderful time in Edisto Beach, SC until Thanksgiving. The weather is perfect! We’ll be on the road for about six months in 2021 and we are delighted that you will come with us. America is so beautiful, and we want to see as much of it as we can…while we can! Have a great weekend. Joe
Wow Joe, I missed this post and read your last one first, Dora is spectacular! Leave it to us gals to “know” the right one when we see it. Congrats on your investment into your leisure lifestyle. Our little 27-ft trailer is already waiting patiently for us in Spokane, languishing on our nephew’s property, and probably very cold. When we bought it 4 years ago, I knew it was the right one the minute I walked in. Enjoy Dora for many years!
I think of you and Hans every time I see a Jayflight on the road. Your time will come soon. We’ve had enough experience investing in trailers to know that we finally got it right. Dora is a gem and we are enjoying her immensely. This week at the beach gave us the perfect chance to get acquainted. Thanks much for stopping by. We’ll talk again at Second Wind Leisure tomorrow. Joe