After a relaxing three days in St. George Island, Easin’ Along moved our snowbird camp to Jekyll Island, Georgia for two days. At that time, we could only reserve two nights, but we had always heard that the area was a lovely place to visit so Helen (adorable wife) booked the two nights. While there, we were able to secure three more nights at a later date and returned during some great weather. We will save both visits for a later post on Easin’ Along.
Our destination after Jekyll was Pelican Roost Campground operated by Mayport Naval Station in Jacksonville, Florida. Our drive down Interstate 95 took only two hours. We arrived in mid-afternoon and were assigned a great campsite near the end of the RV Park with a great view of the bay in front of us. By walking a few steps toward the street, we could see an aircraft carrier resting alongside the harbor (above). Mayport was going to be an excellent place to spend the next five days.

On this trip, we’ve learned that snowbirds are active people and active people organize activities. The campground at Jekyll Island had plenty of events to keep campers busy, and Pelican Roost was no different. On two Saturdays each month a group of campers organizes a pancake breakfast as a way to meet and greet. Our first morning was a Saturday, and no one loves pancakes more than me so, I was all in.

The breakfast was well underway when we arrived, and the meeting room was full of chatter. Most of the campers appeared to be in our age range. I can’t recall the charge for breakfast, but it wasn’t much. I asked the lady collecting money how she used the funds, and she told me that she used it to purchase the food so that the breakfast was self-sustaining. All of the workers are volunteers.

Jeff and Barney, two brothers and Army retirees from near Buffalo, NY, always cook the pancakes. We met them shortly after we checked in. Both serve as campground hosts and helped us connect the cable TV provided by the campground to Gracey (our trailer).
I enjoyed meeting them. Jeff and Barney have spent several winters volunteering at Mayport while escaping the harsh winters back home. They make great pancakes too.
After the hearty breakfast of pancakes and bacon, Helen and I decided that we needed to stretch our legs. She did a little research in the AAA Guidebooks and learned that the Riverside Arts Market is held every Saturday near the center of town. Browsing is one of our favorite activities so, off we went.

The Riverside Market was more of an art and food market with two long rows of booths set up on a paved surface. The Market site is under a downtown bridge and was bustling with activity when we entered. Several of the vendors catered to pet owners, and dogs of every variety nosed up to the booths looking for the latest in pet treats. We have no pets, but I did purchase one treat for me…a loaf of fresh cheesy-bacon bread from one of the artisans near the end of the second row. It was a great addition to Gracey’s pantry and didn’t last long once there.

After a few days of lazy beach walks and a trip to St. Augustine (later post), I realized that we had not found a single shark’s tooth to add to our collection. It was time to correct that. The day began with a fairly dense fog, with the sun peeking through on occasion. The beach, a short walk from the campground, is very wide at low tide and somewhat deserted. Helen took the opportunity for a long walk, and I almost lost her in the fog. I, on the other hand, made finding a shark’s tooth my sole purpose. Luck was with me on this day, and after some heavy eye strain, I uncovered two inside of a pile of tiny shell fragments. On her return, Helen told me (tongue in cheek) how proud she was…it’s the little things that make life fun.

As we left the beach, we came upon several folks carrying a Pelican in a laundry basket. We had to know what was going on. The Pelican had been spotted at the water’s edge splashing wildly. A beach walker noticed that it had two broken wings and had returned to the campground to get help in rescuing the bird. Two campers came to the aid of the distressed Pelican and were on their way to leave it with a veterinarian. The Pelican sat quietly in the basket and appeared grateful.

Our time in Jacksonville ended all too soon. Pelican Roost was a great stop on our snowbird tour, but it was time to hook up Gracey and head south to Melbourne for a visit with my sister and brother-in-law. After a cold start, we were almost to the halfway point in this journey but ready to proclaim it a success. The people were friendly; the sun was warm, the pace was slow, and we’re just Easin’ Along. Retirement is the best gig going.
Note to our Military Living readers: Pelican Roost and nearby Osprey Cove campgrounds are excellent facilities and we heartily recommend them for vacationing military personnel. The well-maintained sites have full hookups for RVs, both large and small. The showers are clean, and the laundry facilities are free. We encourage you to check them out at militaryliving.com.

Great stop! …..you carried those sharks’ teeth in your pocket and placed them in the sand….didn’t you?
No way!! I wore out my eyeballs looking for those babies! Thanks for visiting Easin’ Along and hug your babies for me.
Imagine my surprise to read this post today and see my husband on it! (He is the one on the left carrying the pelican, with the other gentleman.) We were set up at Pelican Roost also – love that campground.
I am enjoying your posts – thank you for sharing your adventures.
What a treat to hear from you. Helen and I were genuinely touched that someone would reach out to help that distressed pelican. Your husband has a good heart. We loved Pelican Roost and hope to return next year. Thanks for visiting Easin’ along and I hope you’ll stay in touch.