Posted in Fun

El Capitan and Santa Barbara = Festival and Fun

El Capitan Coast

In our last post, I shared some of the good times our family had while camping at El Capitan Canyon near Santa Barbara, CA. We played, ate, laughed, and enjoyed a campfire in the cool weather. All of the above added up to a great time in the campground. We ventured out occasionally, and I want to share some outings with you in this post.

Feeding the Llamas and Finding a Little Kid

A llama farm occupied one edge of the canyon, and campers were invited to hike over during feeding time and check out the llamas and goats that lived on the farm. Our grandchildren jumped at the opportunity. Unfortunately, the feeding was over when we reached the pens. A farmer tending the animals was about to let us into the pens with the goats and llamas until he realized that one of the llamas in the pen was very protective of the goats and might not be very welcoming.

We enjoyed watching the animals, and just as we were about to leave, a kid goat jumped up on a picnic table next to us. He was a cute little fellow and had no fear of us. Our youngest grandchild, Cason, would have taken him home with her if possible.

Cason’s pal

In Search of the Monarch Butterfly

The campground brochure contained information about a Monarch Butterfly Habitat near the bluffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean. In need of some exercise, we decided to check it out. The hike was short but a bit steep as we neared the bluff. Collin gave his Mom a hand to the top of the overlook.

Giving Mom a hand

We reached the habitat area only to find that the Monarchs had long since departed. Nevertheless, the view was amazing (see the photo at the top of the post).


Larry, Moe, and Curly Joe – Emu

In our continuing search for critters, Justin took us to Ostrichland, where we would serve lunch to a large group of Ostriches and Emus. Feeding this group was an all-day, paid event for the large birds, and we wouldn’t miss out this time. We received a bowl of food for a few dollars each and turned loose around the pens to feed some hungry creatures. They didn’t turn it down.


Solvang, CA

Solvang, CA, is a Danish Village just a few miles away from Ostrichland. Helen and I visited there a few years ago, but we felt that Collin’s family should see this unique community. We did some window shopping, but the big attraction was the pastry shops on almost every corner. We had lunch on the patio of one of them.

Family in Solvang

Santa Barbara 100th Spanish Festival

Santa Barbara 100th Spanish Fiesta

A highlight of our outdoor activities was a trip to Santa Barbara for the 100th Spanish Festival, a week-long event. When we arrived, a lot was going on. Music filled the streets, and food trucks filled a lawn near the courthouse, serving many Spanish delights. I love tamales, and I had my fill (if that’s possible).

Young Spanish Dancers

Vendors lined the sidewalks, offering crafts and other items to browse through. I found nothing that stirred my interest…until I spotted a Henna Tattoo stand. Thinking it might be fun for everyone to get tattooed, I held my hand out and requested a ship’s anchor for the back of my hand. Collin got one, also. Before long, all of the granddaughters and my daughter-in-law had some ink. In my opinion, Austin won the prize for the best design—a lovely flower for the inside of her wrist.

Fiesta Fun

The only lowlight of the Festival is that my credit card got hacked, probably at a food stand, and I was charged over $7,000. Fortunately, the credit card company did not let it go through, but I had to cancel my card.

We had a fantastic time in El Capitan and hated to leave. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Enjoy your Labor Day. We’re Easin’ Along.

Easin’ Along
Easin’ Along

18 thoughts on “El Capitan and Santa Barbara = Festival and Fun

    1. Hi, Ann!
      El Capitan (and the area) offered plenty to keep some active kids busy (and off their phones). I loved our time there. Enjoy your Labor Day.

    1. Hello!
      Tats are where it’s at! We had a lot of fun with the idea. I didn’t show the one my oldest got on her side. It was a palm tree and very cute. We almost kidnapped that goat–he was so sweet. Enjoy your Labor Day, and thanks for checking in. Joe

    1. Mary!
      We have fun, especially now that they have grown up and the “meltdown age” has long passed. They’re great kids, and we treasure the time we have with them. The bluff above the coast at El Capitan was a great photo op. Stay safe up there. Joe

  1. We love Santa Barbara. that festival looks like lots of fun. It’s been a few years since we’ve been down there so maybe a trip is in future. Sorry about the cc hack. I hate when those things happen. It’s so unnerving.

    1. Good afternoon, Christina,
      I wish we had more time for the Festival (and it wasn’t so hot that day). A lot was going on, and we only sampled the event. If you get there someday, let me know what you think. In addition to my credit card hacking, some lowlife also hacked my debit card. Again, the bank didn’t let the charges go through. Maddening! Great to hear from you! Joe

    1. Hey there!
      Donna, the tattoos were like a chain reaction–once someone got inked, another one didn’t want to be left out. We had a lot of grins with that move, and the drawings were gone in a week (or before school started). Feeding the Ostriches was a real treat. We don’t get to do that very often. Enjoy your week, and stay in touch. Joe

  2. Always look forward to your posts, they are sunshine every time. Your love of family is so beautiful, if only more people would follow your lead. Where was #1 four legged boy?

    1. Good morning, Joanne!
      Thank you so much for the kind comments. Since we’re bi-coastal grandparents, we cherish the times when we can get everyone together and, now that the grandchildren are growing up, those times are even more precious. Mortimer was probably asleep in the trailer, waiting on his next meal. Great to have you stop by. Best wishes for a lovely weekend. Joe

  3. So many fun family adventures in such beautiful places! Santa Barbara is one of our favorite towns on the CA coast. Love the family tattoos. :-)) I think Mortimer would like a goat companion, haha.

    1. Good morning, Laurel,
      We had never visited Santa Barbara, and I can see why it’s a fave. The Festival was fun (except for the credit card hack), and I wish we had time for a return trip. Herding goats is not in Mortimer’s skill set, so we’ll pass. It was a cute goat tho’. Great to hear from you. Hope the NC weather is beginning to cool down. Joe

  4. Joe, The header photo and photo of Cason’s beaming with the goat in her arms are beautiful. I’m glad your family had a wonderful time and your credit card company and bank did not let the hacked charges go through. I visited Solvang and Santa Barbara a long time ago. Thank you for the memories. Have a great week!

    1. Good morning, Natalie,
      That little goat was truly a bright spot on that day. We were tempted to “kid”-nap him, but reason prevailed, and we gave him back to his Mom. That credit card hack is the second one I’ve experienced. Since you are always on the move, I’m wondering if it has happened to you. Although the bank was great to work with me, it’s a real inconvenience. Thanks for stopping by, and have a splendid day! Joe

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