After three years in Germany on my first assignment in the Army, I requested an assignment to Fort Jackson, SC. Helen (adorable wife) wanted to be a little closer to home, and we both wanted to be near the Carolina Beaches that we had grown up loving. As we planned our trip to Edisto Beach, SC we agreed that we should stay a couple of nights at Fort Jackson to break up the drive and to see if the installation had changed in forty plus years. We also wanted to visit with some old friends and neighbors of ours during the year we lived in Berlin now living in a new home several miles from the base. My job was to make the reservation at Weston Lake Campground operated by the installation and Helen’s task was to contact our friends. We were successful on both fronts.
We looked forward to this trip for several reasons. Many years had passed since we last saw our friends, Ron and Nina. Ron made a career in the Army and had many interesting assignments. He and Nina had lived in a variety of locations both here and overseas and we wanted to hear all about it. Although we had exchanged a few Christmas cards over the years and had made a few contacts on social media, we were still eager to catch up on life, kids, and careers. In addition to seeing them, we looked forward to taking a trip to the beach in Gracey, our travel trailer. We had last spent some time on the road during our trip to Florida and Jekyll Island in February and March and were chomping at the bit to get back on the road less traveled. After our last trip, Helen had undergone knee replacement and looked forward to a little time in the sun to work out a few kinks. In addition, we would be picking up two of our grandchildren to take them with us with us for one night at Edisto Beach. This would be the first time either of them had been camping (although camping in Gracey is best described as “glamping”) and we hoped that they would enjoy the experience.

To our delight, Weston Lake Campground turned out to be very nice and spacious. We arrived after hours and took the first campsite we found that backed up to the lake. Once Gracey was hooked up, we decided to prepare a quick meal of hot dogs on the grill and called it an early night because we wanted to watch the hockey game between Winnipeg and the Nashville Predators. Thankfully, the Predators pulled out a win.

The next day we visited the Commissary and Post Exchange to stock up on provisions for our week at the beach. Fort Jackson has been upgraded considerably since we first arrived on the installation. I recognized a few of the buildings, but most were unfamiliar and there were times when I felt somewhat like I had never been there. Old barracks and hospital buildings have been torn down and new dormitory buildings have replaced them. Likewise, the former commissary has disappeared and a new, modern supermarket has taken its place. A new Post Exchange is equally as nice. We found everything we needed for our trip.
Later that afternoon, we met Ron and Nina at their beautiful home which was built just outside of Columbia, SC while Ron was stationed at Fort Benning, GA. During the time the home was under construction, Nina would travel to the job site from Benning at least monthly to work with their contractor. As a former home builder, I am amazed that everything went smoothly with a future owner being away for much of the time, but the finished product is a tribute to both Nina and her builder. A lovely home stands as a result of both their efforts.

After a delightful afternoon of catching up, we followed Ron and Nina to Julia’s German Restaurant near Fort Jackson. This very small eatery was packed when we arrived at around 6:00 pm. Nina told us to expect a crowd and we found one. Julia, the owner, was milling about greeting customers and engaged in lively conversation with all of them in her heavily accented English. There were no tables available when we arrived so we waited at the small bar and enjoyed some good German wine and beer until something opened up. The time required at least two beers, but it was worth the wait.

Once seated, everyone ordered a schnitzel something-or-other. They were large and they were good! I wish all Easin’ Along readers could have a taste, but the pictures will have to do for now. Nina, who speaks fluent German, chatted with Julia at some point during dinner, and almost as soon as we finished eating, Julia walks up with a round of apple schnapps for the four of us and one for herself. This was a highlight of the evening and we toasted each other heartily then slammed back the schnapps. For dessert, Helen and I ordered a chocolate layer cake that was divine, plus an apple strudel that was to die for. We couldn’t eat all of the desserts, but Julia had it boxed and it found its way to Gracey’s refrigerator. When it was time to leave, Helen and I felt like we had made a new friend, and vowed to return the next time we pass through Columbia. We thanked Ron and Nina profusely for showing us a wonderful evening and promised to stay in touch in a series of long good-byes.

Gracey was hooked up and on the road by mid-morning. We took a few pictures of the campground for our Military Living readers before we left and want to let them know that the facilities are excellent and the recreational opportunities are numerous to include swimming, boating, kayaking, as well as camping. We recommend it to all military personnel. Nevertheless, it was time to pick up our granddaughters.

When we arrived for the rendezvous, the grands and their parents came out to meet us, packed and ready to go. We were loaded and moving south in less than twenty minutes. Once inside Live Oak Campground at Edisto Beach State Park, Helen entertained the girls while I connected the utilities and made sure Gracey was ready for a big week. The girls had a ball figuring out the weird screen door handle and must have dropped the window shades each about three times each, but it was good to see them excited about living in a camping trailer. Soon, it was time to hit the beach.

Neither Helen nor I had ever been here. We will have more to report after we explore the area, but this day was devoted to grandchildren fun. The beach is lovely, wide, and not at all crowded. The afternoon was spent letting the girls run off some energy and build sand castles. When it came time to leave, they were reluctant, but the promise of a hamburger and mac and cheese got a modicum of cooperation from each of them. With dinner finished, they schmoozed Big Daddy out of a few cartoons on the Apple TV before bedtime. Sleep soon overtook them. Here’s a picture of this precious twosome.

Such was the end of day one at Edisto Beach and the first three days of this road trip. We’ve had a great start, and we invite you to come back for the next installment because Edisto appears to have much to offer and the area is so beautiful. However, it’s bedtime for BeBe and Big Daddy so, we’ll be Easin’ Along.