Fall colors are on full display in the mountains around East Tennessee. I can’t remember when we had a show like the one we’re enjoying this year. Although dry weather conditions have prevailed lately, generous amounts of rain earlier this summer probably provided just enough of the magic needed to light up our hills and valleys. Helen and I decided we needed a front-row seat, so we packed up Dora and traveled into the Great Smoky Mountains National Park for a closer look.

We reserved three nights at our favorite campground in Cherokee, NC. Helen made sure we had a campsite along the creek. Cherokee is on the eastern edge of the National Park and Happy Holiday campground is just a few miles from the Oconoluftee Visitor Center at the Park entrance. We left after church this past Sunday and made the two-hour drive through some heavy traffic. It seemed many fellow leaf-peepers would join us.

Campsite number 86 would serve as our base of operations for the next three days. The leaf color across the creek from our spot provided a taste of what was to come. The reds and oranges stood out brilliantly. After hooking up, we decided to pay a quick visit to the casino for Happy Hour to get the trip rolling. Cherokee Casino is excellent entertainment, and we always have fun there regardless of the outcome. Still, our priority for this trip to Cherokee was catching a significant glimpse of Fall color.

I had my camera out early the following day because the trees across from our campsite offered a colorful foreground to the low-lying clouds hovering overhead. The bright blue sky added quite a contrast to the yellow and green of the maple tree. I titled this picture “Mist Over the Mountain.”

After cleaning up the breakfast dishes, we jumped in the truck and made our way up the mountain to the Newfound Gap overlook at 5,000 feet. We weren’t the only ones there—the parking lot was crowded, and I had to circle it twice before finding an empty spot. Helen and I counted license plates representing over twenty states in the short walk to the overlook.

We came for color and were not disappointed. All of Newfound Gap was filled with brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows, with just a touch of Evergreen to pull it all together. I had difficulty putting my camera down, but I gave it to a couple from Georgia and asked them to take our picture at the North Carolina/Tennessee Border (Picture Gallery). On our way down the mountain, Helen took a few photos through the windshield illustrating the fantastic scenery along the road.

We felt like we needed some exercise on Tuesday, so we planned a hike along Deep Creek in another area of the National Park near Bryson City, North Carolina, about 10 miles away. The hiking trail is adjacent to the parking area, and the canopy of color invites in. This side of the National Park is busy but not as crowded as Newfound Gap.

The dry conditions have taken a toll on Deep Creek, but the leaf color filled the void. Tom’s Branch Falls was just a trickle compared to our visits in the past. A small portion of the waterfall’s base provided a pretty good target for the camera. We followed the trail to Indian Creek Falls and back for a hike of about three miles. Three miles isn’t as much as we needed, but hey, we’re moving. The overhead color was stunning. An unwelcome visitor escorted us for a portion of the trail. In Bryson City, we stopped for another picture.

We had to hustle back home on Wednesday, so that’s about it for this trip. Be sure to check out the Picture Gallery that follows this post—as I said, it was difficult to put the camera down.

Enjoy your week, everyone, and thanks for checking in. We’re Easin’ Along.
I enjoy my life here in N. Central TX, Joe, but your pics frequently give me a severe case of homesickness. We normally find our way to E. TN every year, but haven’t yet in 2022, and I fear it’s getting a bit late.
If we were there, we’d run as fast as possible to the Foothills Parkway, and eventually to Newfound Gap. You’ve shown some great pictures here, so I guess I’ll be happy with those for now, and pray for continued health and mobility so that we can make the trip next year. I hope to “run into” you and Helen whenever we do make our next trip! 🙏🙏🙏
Guy Hawkins
Great to hear from you, and I hope you get here for some of this amazing fall color. It’s so dry, and with cooler temps expected for a while, the leaves should hang on for a bit longer than usual. Thanks for checking in. Joe
Jealous, jealous, Joe!! Thank you for sharing these amazing Fall photos! Fall is having a slow start here due to very warm temps but it will all change in a few days but it will be a short Fall. Oh well, I can live vicariously through your amazing pics! Have a great week!
Thanks for the nice comments. Your posts got me in the mood for some fall colors, so we decided to make a run for the mountains last week. This year’s fall colors are as bright as any I can remember. Thanks for stopping by; I’m off to check out Sunday Stills. Joe
Hi Joe, this post is like a breath of fresh air for me today – literally! I can almost feel the chill in the air, and the colors are just amazing.
We are headed to North Georgia in about 9 days, but will likely miss the leaves. That’s okay though, the cooler temperatures will be a welcome change.
Loved the photo gallery. Thanks for adding a little color to my day!
Unless we get a lot of rain, you will probably get some color in Georgia if you’re at a lower elevation. I hope you do because this is the best year I can remember for leaf color. Bring a jacket. The temperatures are dropping next week to near freezing at night. We’re camping near the Kentucky line with our church, and I look forward to sitting around a big bonfire. Glad you enjoyed the gallery. Thanks for stopping by. Joe
Hi, Joe – You’ve captured autumn’s colours brilliantlly. Central Vancouver Island is still having late summer temperatures (shorts and t-shirts) and virtually no rain. So our autumn colours have been very slow to appear. Although I have loved the extended warm weather, I am now more than ready for fall to truly begin.
Sending warm hugs to you and Helen.
Wow! You have shorts and t-shirt weather, and we’re getting a freeze warning for later in the week! Our colors are as brilliant as I can remember, so we went to our mountains for a closer look. We still have a few days before colors peak in the lower levels of the valley. Always great to hear from you! We send thanks for warm hugs. Please stay in touch. Joe
Your fall photos are glorious! So glad you two got away to one of your favorite places for a total “fall color immersion.” 🙂 You seem to have a gift for scoring last minute reservations at your favorite campgrounds. That’s even better than winning big at the casino, LOL.
The leaves are changing as we make our way home to Florida from Michigan…I love this time of year!
We were so lucky. There were two campsites available, and one of them was on the creek. I’d rather be lucky than good! If you and Eric are coming through Knoxville, PLEASE reach out. We would love to get together. Travel safely, and stay in touch. Joe
Hi, Joe! Alan and I are rolling northbound and will be home by the end of the day. We enjoyed some of those gorgeous fall colors in North Carolina as we passed through. Your photos certainly do them justice! Hugs to you and Helen – that lovely wife of yours is looking fabulous!
Glad you got to witness the colors firsthand–they were awesome. Looking forward to reading about your trip. Helen says “thanks!” Let’s stay in touch. Joe