Posted in Fun

Point Mugu, Malibu, and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Point Mugu

Without any guilt or regret, I am happy to tell anyone that we have done very little at Point Mugu (pron: Moo-Goo) except relax and enjoy the beauty around us. We have been in this campground for a little over two weeks and have spent our days reading, walking the beach, and enjoying some fine meals.

Point Mugu Campground is located on a Naval Air Station about 15 miles from Oxnard, CA, at the base of the Santa Monica mountains. We camped here in 2017 during our first attempt at RV travel in a rented motorhome. Things have changed little in the years after that. Our fifth-wheel trailer is on the front row overlooking the beach and less than 100 yards from the water’s edge. We saved the best beach camping for last.

I have made a few exceptions to my sedentary lifestyle, including spending time with three new camera lenses and a new camera while walking the shoreline. During the recent full moon, the tides have caused the waves to crash heavily on the rocks along the beach, and I tried my hand at catching a few at fast shutter speeds (1/1000 sec and higher). The picture below represents one attempt.

Waves on the Rocks

I don’t have the patience to be a good bird photographer—I leave that to my bloggy friends, Ingrid and Terri—but gulls and pelicans make good models, so I occasionally shoot in their direction. The gull pictured below flew across my view one lovely afternoon.

Gull on the wing

One day last week, we broke up our routine and drove about 30 miles south along the coast to Malibu, CA. We walked the Malibu Pier and stopped for lunch at Neptune’s Net. I had Fish & Chips (just okay), and Helen had Fish Tacos that she said were delicious. We drove back to Mugu on a divine weather day.

Our big event was visiting the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, CA. We made the short drive in less than thirty minutes. Simi Valley is a charming town, with the Reagan Library nestled into a lovely neighborhood with little traffic or commercial properties.

Simi Valley

The library is an enormous tribute to President Reagan and his term of office. Each room featured video presentations of momentous events of the Reagan Presidency and his battle against his adversaries during the Cold War. Separate rooms featured his life as an actor and his terms as governor of California. The most notable presentations to me were the videos of Reagan as a speaker. In contrast to the Nixon Library, which I found extremely interesting, the Reagan Library was genuinely uplifting. President Reagan had a gift that few have.

Reagan funeral

We resumed the usual routine at Point Mugu–reading, relaxing, and walking Mortimer. Next week, we will meet our kids and grandkids in El Capitan, near Santa Barbara, for a family get-together. Justin and family will drive up from Redondo Beach to camp next to us. After spending several weeks in Jackson, WY, Collin and family will drive over and set up shop in a cabin adjacent to the campground. We’re so excited to have everyone together–it doesn’t happen often enough.

We will miss Point Mugu. I’ll leave you with a sunset that explains why. See you in El Capitan, we’re Easin’ Along.

Sunset in the campground
Easin’ Along
Easin’ Along

20 thoughts on “Point Mugu, Malibu, and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

  1. Glad to hear you’re having fun with the new camera and lenses. I especially like the B&W Waves on the Rocks. And you are too kind to share your thoughts on my bird photography. I love the painted image at the end of your post. How did you create that?

    1. Good afternoon, Ingrid,
      The lenses have been put to good use here in California. I find that the 24-105 f2.8 is becoming my “go-to.” I’m not a bird photographer, but you’re very good. I hope that one day we can go birding and I can get the fundamentals. Maybe the patience will follow. The painted image happened when I was fooling around with Google AI for grins one day. I typed in “Create an image of a Ford truck pulling a trailer through the Mountains with a sunset in the background.” The painting was the result, and I was floored. Aside from being floored, I was pretty impressed with myself so, thanks for asking! Enjoy your weekend.

      1. Well, Google AI did an excellent job and the image fits perfectly for your blog. I would love to go birding with you some day. Although, I don’t currently have a lens for bird photography. I’ve got my eye on one but probably won’t pull the trigger unless I know I’ll get a fair amount of use out of it. My go to is a micro-four-thirds 14-150 (28-300 full frame equivalent). I did buy a prime lens that works great in some instances. Safe travels and stay cool!

        1. I’ll definitely take a rain check on the bird outing. Due to the popularity of mirrorless equipment, I’ve seen a lot of DSLR gear on sale now. Take care and please stay in touch. Joe

    1. Hi, Donna!
      Agree! Retirement is a great gig. This is the first year since we began RVing that I haven’t felt compelled to go and see and do. It is a very liberating experience. Great to hear from you! Joe and Helen

    1. Ginny,
      We moved to El Capitan today and waiting for the kids to arrive. If they don’t get here soon, Helen is going to explode. Thanks so much for stopping by. Say “hi” to John for us. Joe and Helen

  2. Joe, waking up at 4:30 A.M. due to our long flight and time change yesterday is a b**ch, but I smiled at the sight of this post – joyful, as always. I’m glad you continue to get to know the new lens. I have a ‘walkabout’ lens similar to your 24-105 that has become my go-to for vacation photography. That lens and my phone are all I want to carry around these days.

    We could use a bit of Reagan’s sensibilities right now, not to mention his way with a sentence and personal conduct.

    I’m sure the kids have arrived by now and family time is in full swing, so I’ll wish you both well and go do another load of laundry!

    1. Good morning, Suzanne,
      Welcome home! I gathered from your IG pictures that you and Malcolm made the absolute most out of your trip. Some of the places you visited made for stunning photos, and your walkabout lens did its job. We’re in El Capitan, just north of Santa Barbara, and all of the kids (and dogs) arrived yesterday. If the rest of the week is as much fun as last night, we’ll call ourselves blessed and go back to Tennessee smiling broadly. Now, put the clothes in the dryer and take a nap. Have a wonderful week. Joe

  3. Joe, your last two weeks sound like an absolutely perfect beach vacation to me, and I envy your sunshine and beautiful sunsets. You’re right – retirement is a great gig, and you and Helen know how to do it up right. How sweet that both “boys” and their families will be joining you. There’s nothing quite like family time – enjoy every memory-making minute with your kids and grandkids!

    1. Mary,
      Everyone made it safely to El Capitan, and we had a wonderfully joyous evening. Helen and I cherish the rare occasions that we can get the cousins together, and to see them laugh and play games last night was all we hoped for. Stay safe and warm up there–your posts are a fun read. Enjoy your week! Joe

  4. Joe, you are becoming very expert with your lenses and black-and-white photography! So glad everyone arrived safely and that you are having a great visit! I miss them all so already!
    Love to everyone.

    1. Good morning, Carolyn,
      I’ll admit that the new lenses are helping me improve at my hobby, but there’s always something else to learn. We’re loving our time with the kids, and it is so much fun watching them laugh and play together. So far, our time together has been everything we hoped for. Have a safe trip home, and please stay in touch. Helen and Joe

  5. Great one Joe. 50+years ago Conni and I were in California and you and Helen were in Knoxville. We miss you and look forward to catching up when you return.
    Our best to Justin and Colin and families.
    Townsend and Conni

    1. Good afternoon, Townsend,
      Great to have you join us on the road. We’re having a fabulous time with our kids this week. It’s rare when we can all be together. We start home next week and plan to be there by the end of August . Looking forward to seeing you both. Thanks for checking in. Joe

  6. Two weeks of California beach time sounds divine! And it looks as though your weather was perfect. Taking the time to just “be” in a place is so soul-nourishing…Keep on enjoying that slow pace!

    1. Good morning, Laurel,
      We’re literally Easin’ Along by now. We’ve had a fabulous trip , working our way slowly from San Diego. This week we’re with our whole family in El Capitan, near Santa Barbara, and it’s been busy, but fun. We stat toward home on Sunday–by way of Vegas. If the casino doesn’t wreck us, the heat probably will. Thanks for stopping by, and have a lovely weekend. Joe

  7. What a gorgeous place to relax and enjoy, Joe. The blue skies, the ocean waves and that sunset are instant de-stressers. You took beautiful photos. I’ll add Ronald Reagan Presidential Library to my list of places to visit. I look forward to reading about your family get-together in El Capitan.

    1. Natalie,
      Along with Coronado, Point Mugu is one of my favorite campgrounds. The beach is lovely and we were right on top of it. The Reagan Library was a very positive experience as Reagan was such an uplifting person. The Library had many videos of his positive, hope-filled speeches–something we Americans need so badly today. Thanks for stopping by. Joe

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