We’re at the Navy Lodge in Fort Worth, TX and waiting for our laundry to finish drying. I thought this would be a great time to post an update while we have reliable Wi-Fi. Please forgive if you find a typo or an incomplete sentence…today, it is what it is.
To sum up our experience so far I would have to say that things are going swimmingly as we march Sherman toward the sea. Our Cruise America RV is nicely equipped with a sink, microwave, stovetop, shower and bath. There is a double bed above the cab which is plenty big enough for me and the dining table converts to a single bed which Helen (adorable wife) claims since her knee won’t let her climb into the big bed. It’s cozy in here, but it works well for us.
This “spur of the moment” trek began when a friend suggested that we rent an RV to see if the lifestyle was made for us. Our friend, Otto, a fraternity brother from college days and one of the really great guys, told us about Cruise America as a source. I went to the website and noticed that there was a special deal for those willing to relocate new RV’s from the headquarters in Chicago to a dealer in Los Angeles. The rates were very low, and we had almost three weeks to deliver the vehicle. To top it off, the delivery point was 20 miles from our son’s house in the Los Angeles area. When Helen learned that this trip would include a grandmother visit, she was all in.
I drove a one-way rental car to Chicago and picked up the RV and drove it back home the next day. We spent most of the following day loading the RV while giving tours to almost every neighbor that walked by. We should have issued invitations to an open house and offered cocktails…it was a lot of fun. Since we were taking the RV to the Pacific coast, we named it Sherman (as in General Sherman) and planned our march to the sea. In honor of our friend who gave us the idea, we named the cute little dog pictured on the side window “Otto”.

We left on a Sunday morning. Our destination was the Family RV Camp at Maxwell Air Force Base near Montgomery, Alabama. I drove while Helen did a little organizing inside the vehicle. I had installed an XM radio, turned up the volume on some 60’s music and drove south. We arrived about six hours later. Driving a vehicle this size took a little getting used to. The large profile meant that the wind and passing semi trucks affected the handling, but it was not bad. Changing lanes required a little concentration, but, again, I managed. My days of hauling construction equipment helped.
The RV camp was very nice. Our Sherman was probably the smallest RV there. After a quick trip to the commissary on base, we parked next to some huge fifth wheel campers and set up for the night. We had reserved a pad near the entrance and after backing in, I hooked up the electrical, water and sewer connection. Prior to leaving, I had watched the orientation video about four times to make sure I did it correctly. I was ecstatic when I flipped on the lights and flushed the toilet and everything worked…it’s the little things that matter in life.

We prepared a dinner of soup on the stovetop and sandwiches we had prepared early and, with nothing else going on, read our books until bedtime. I thought the sleeping arrangements would make for a challenging experience, but, if it did, I slept right through it.

The next morning we showered in the really clean bath facility in the campground. There weren’t many campers stirring, but from looking at some of the RV’s there wasn’t a reason to be out of them. I’ve seen many homes that are smaller and far less luxurious than these monsters.
Well, our laundry is finished and it’s time to be Easin’ Along. I apologize for the clunky writing, but not much time to edit. There are a few pictures here (I hope) and we’ll write more later. Besides, Otto is hungry…
Loving the thought of you guys trekking across America! And following you on line let’s me take the trip vicariously!
Missing you in the ‘hood!
Grier and Dick
Grier, thanks for traveling with us and for visiting Easin’ Along. We’ve had a blast so far and Sherman has served us well. He is now hunkered down in San Angelo, TX resting up for the next leg of the trip to White Sands, NM. Come back and join us and give our best to our buds in the hood.
What fun to read. Thanks for taking me along for the ride with the two of you. Scratch Otto behind the ears for me an have yourselves a little adventure today for all of us. Good wishes for the journey.
Nancy, great to hear from you. We’ve had a great day driving thru Texas hill country and Sherman is now resting comfortably in San Angelo, Texas. Tomorrow we head out for White Sands, NM. Thanks so much for joining us and for visiting Easin’ Along. Helen sends her best.
I also listen to XM radio Sixtie’s on Six; though I tire easily of most of the music, I sure enjoy listening to Phlash Phelps insightful commentary on travel, pop culture, and arcane trivia.
Guy, I am addicted to XM. 60’s, The Bridge, and my latest fave is Neil Diamond (18). On Sunday morning I catch Enlighten (65) on the way to and from church. Great Southern gospel.
Yep, the Bridge is a fallback I use when Cousin Brucie or Peter Noone is on Sixties on 6… I like Neil Diamond OK, but not sure I’d enjoy solely Neil Diamond for more than a 4 to 5 song cavalcade. I do like Southern Gospel, especially black Gospel… My dad listened to blue-grass gospel on WDVX (I think)… you probably didn’t know (or don’t remember) I was a bit of a music maven back in the 60’s; I worked at a little hole in the wall record store on Western Ave, right next door to Cooper’s Barber Shop….. I knew every song, every performer, every label, and most of the writers back then…. and for some odd reason, I still remember a lot of the stuff (or maybe I should say, I’m plagued by the memories of the songs, performers, labels and writers)….Actually, I’m still bent that way, for I enjoy immensely Lou Simon on 60’s when he tells (sometimes fabricates, I think) the stories behinds the music.
Great knowledge base. I can remember the words to most 60’s hits, but have to guess at the artists and am usually wrong. I have an MP3 player with 70 hours of my favorite 60’s music on it. We have used it extensively while Easin’ Along on this trip and have loved it. Sam Cooke still gets me fired up…