We have a bi-coastal family. One of our sons lives in Southern California and our other son lives on the South Carolina coast. Both are great places to visit. Nevertheless, trying to get everyone together is not easy and, understandably, doesn’t happen often enough for two doting grandparents of four grandchildren, ages three through seven.

For that reason, Helen (adorable wife and doting grandmother) insists that everyone gather at least one time a year so that all the cousins can renew their relationships and enjoy a little bonding time. We call it Cousin’s Week and we celebrated this blessed event last week. It was truly a treasured experience.

Cousins week was enhanced greatly when some dear friends offered us the use of their fabulous home on one of our nearby lakes. Their generosity was overwhelming and made our time together even more memorable. We were certain that the children had a great time when they each said they wanted to come back for two weeks next year. I hope that our generous hosts consider their wishes to be a compliment of the highest order.

We did all of the usual things that families do on vacation like swimming, working puzzles, playing games, eating great meals, and enjoying each other’s company. Other family members, including the children’s great-grandparents came for a day visit which made great memories for all.

During our time on the lake we gave each child a disposable camera and asked them to take whatever pictures they wanted. It was a hoot watching them snap away, and soon each camera had all 27 exposures taken.

For this week’s post of Easin’ Along I have used only the pictures that the children took. Most pictures are quite good and I want to give them full credit. An occasional thumb came between the camera and the subject, but that only made for better art. One or two could have used a little more light but, again, they had a blast.

I have posted many of the pictures taken by the young at heart among us on the gallery page which is listed below this post on the home page of Easin’ Along. Readers can also go to the gallery page by clicking here.

Our week ended all too quickly, but everyone made some wonderful memories. This was just another blessed step for Helen and me as we’re Easin’ Along on our slow walk through the Golden Years.
Thanks for letting us share it with you.