It’s been a busy week, but I’m never too busy to heap praise on the one person who is a true treasure in my life…my Mother. We observed Mother’s Day for all of the Moms in our family this past week and, like most of the country we went to a local restaurant. Our group was large – there were 20 of us, including six beautiful ladies who had achieved motherhood status, but seated at the place of honor was my Mom, the matriarch.
She is genuinely loved and respected by all of us and deservedly so. Growing up on a small farm where she learned that hard work and strong faith will take you a long way she, along with the rest of her family, faced down a Depression and War with a perpetual smile on her face. She is emblematic of the Greatest Generation. That smile has never left that face.
Mom raised my brother, my sister and me with the same regard for the traditional values of deep faith, love of family, and strong work ethic that were instilled in her. Those values were infused in us, not by preaching, but by example. Discipline was rendered when necessary, but always rooted in love and guided by a sense of what is right and proper. I’ll never be able to thank her enough.
Mom was always available. She didn’t hover over us, but if there was a need for a Cub Scout Den Mother, a Room Mother at school, or someone to drive kids to the theater, she was there and was as interested in the lives and activities of the other children as she was in us. I’m always asked by my friends about her well being and to pass along their regards. They too remember that smile.
With two sons who were eventually to grow over six feet tall, one could imagine the need for food around the house, and mother was the best I ever saw at putting a lot of food on the table…and fast. I’m not talking about canned soup or peanut butter, but great meals like pot roast, meat loaf, fried chicken, and all the stuff that makes meals like that even better. To this day, I have never tasted a better potato salad, cole slaw, or banana pudding than what she produced in our kitchen. Her famous Chocolate mayonnaise cake is one to die for. We grew up happy and healthy.
She wouldn’t want me to give out her age, but most would never guess it. In recent years she has had her share of joint replacements, and even a broken leg, but none of those challenges kept her down for long and she is still able to get around as well as anybody. Mom plays bridge with her friends, and is always ready to travel as evidenced by trips to Florida and Louisiana last year for family weddings.
So here’s to you, Mom. As we observe Mother’s Day this year we send big love, big hugs, and sincere thanks from your three kids, eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren to the one who sits at the head of the table. We’re blessed beyond words.

And a big salute to all the Moms from Easin’ Along.