Time was short for blogging this week. There was a lot of busy activity for this busy retiree, and most of it was taken up by a pair of visiting angels.
The angels I’m referring to are two of my precious granddaughters named Bennett (5) and Cason (4). I posted an article about them a few weeks back when we had a very active weekend with them in Charleston, SC where they live. This week they came to visit us. Just us – no parents came to accompany them.

Helen (adorable wife and cute grandmother) had invited the girls to come and attend Vacation Bible School at our church while they were here. Last Sunday she jumped in her car and drove to meet the girls and their other grandmother (affectionately known as “CeCe”) in Spartanburg, SC for a car seat and kid swap. From what was reported to me, picking up the girls was a heckuva lot easier than swapping out the car seats, but ultimately they got the job done and made the trip back to Knoxville without any issues. Their grandfather was all smiles when they arrived.
The rest of the week was pure joy. Meltdowns were limited to only one very short episode on Tuesday night, but it lasted only about thirty minutes and was soon forgotten.
Helen had bought two small wooden card filing boxes which the girls painted with their own designs and then went on a search of the house and yard for “treasures” to put in them. The treasures were many and varied and included bugs, twigs, rocks, and flowers. Treasure hunting was a big hit and kept them occupied while dinner was being prepared.

On Monday morning they were loaded up and were off to Bible School to learn about Jesus and meet new friends. Their grandmother had volunteered to be a staff person in order for them to have at least one familiar face in the crowd. Apparently they had a good time because they were up and ready to go again on Tuesday morning. A breakfast prepared by their grandfather of grits, grapes, and grilled doughnuts helped. A second doughnut was requested and served.
The rest of the week was more of the same with a lot of time in the pool, plus an evening with some older cousins thrown in the mix. They left by around noon on Friday. No, there wasn’t much time for blogging, but it’s not often that Angels come for a visit.
Enjoy the pictures. Big Daddy (that’s me) will be Easin’ Along… I miss them already.