Hi, I’m Joe. My adorable wife, Helen, and I proudly live in Eastern Tennessee, where we both grew up. I retired on August 13, 2015. I’ve worked at or owned several businesses over the past forty-some years, but most of that time–20 years–was spent as a licensed general contractor building homes. I also spent 24 years as an officer in the Army and Army Reserve and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel, which I’m pretty proud of. My interest in blogging comes from the fact that I received a degree in advertising from the University of Tennessee and have always enjoyed putting words and images on paper in a manner that someone would find interesting enough to read and enjoy. In one of my former ventures, I published a magazine for a few years and had the opportunity to freshen my skills, but I hope now to use those skills more fully.
Meet Helen. Helen didn’t wait for me to begin her retirement. She woke up one day about five years ago and said: “It’s time”! She turned in a notice to her employer and hit her Golden Years with a vengeance. Never one to sit around, she has been joyfully making up for all the time missed with her friends over thirty years by meeting with them regularly at lunch, for bridge, at pottery and exercise classes, and being a dedicated volunteer at church. Helen raised two boys, but once they were in school she began work full time before retiring from the staff of a private college preparatory school.
We’re both eager and ready to take on our retirement and want you to Ease Along with us. We want to “go” and “do” while we can still do both. Our goal is to enjoy and promote an active retirement lifestyle. We’ll be doing some extended travel in our RV, a fifth-wheel named “Dora.” My career in the Army allows me the opportunity to visit military installations, which we usually use as a base for our excursions while we venture out on the roads less traveled. You’re invited to Ease Along as we post updates regularly (usually every Friday). We love to explore new places, do fun things, and enjoy great food. Whenever possible, we’ll introduce you to our family and friends and share our journey of Faith. We also have a Facebook page where we preview each article. Please “like” our page and stay in touch with us (www.facebook.com/easingalong). If you subscribe to Easin’ Along by placing your email address in the subscription box at the bottom of the Home Page or any posts, you’ll never miss a new article.
Please know that Easin’ Along is not a “Guide to Retirement”—there are thousands of those already out there. We’re just beginning a slow walk through our golden years, and hopefully, some of the experiences we share with others will be helpful as you make your journey as well.
Come walk with us. I know you can handle the pace…We’re Easin’ Along!
Advertising inquiries are most welcome. Easin’ Along receives 5,000 to 7,000 visits monthly, and our readership consists of very active and energetic retirees as well as members of the military community, both active and retired. Advertising rates are very reasonable. Anyone interested may contact us at the email address shown below.
Email: easingalong01@gmail.com

Dear Helen and Joe,
Your traveling stories are wonderful — and the photography and design is excellent! So glad that Charlie and I can share your experiences.
Thanks Alice. This effort has been a labor of love.
Can’t wait to do what both of you are doing.
We’ve always said “do it while we can”. Thanks for visiting Easin’ Along!
Enjoying your travel stories.
We’ve made only one space A trip so far. It was a Patrot Express flight out of Norfolk to Naples. Had a wonderful time.
I have a sister that lives in Tellico Village, TN. Do you live near Tellico?
Safe travels.
Yes we do. Our home is on the western side of Knoxville and Tellico Village is about 30 miles from where we live. In the mid 1990’s I built eleven homes in Tellico Village. I hope you have paid your sister a visit. It is a beautiful area. We have not taken a space A flight in years, preferring to drive throughout the states. Planning a big trip for next month so please come back and thanks for visiting Easin’ Along.
Been to Niagra Falls. What an awesome sight. Also stayed at the base by the Niagra Falls Airport. They were a lovely place to stay for the price. We hope to get back there next summer and do it all again.
We had an extraordinary experience there. Also had a great meal at Griffon Gastropub while there and posted an article about it. It is definitely a “go back to” place. Glad you had fun. Thanks for visiting Easin’ Along.
Joe and Helen,
Your website, “easingalong” is interesting and well laid out. Congratulations!
Eddie Calfee
Thanks, Eddie!. This project is a labor of love and keeps me busy in retirement. Here’s hoping we can catch up in the New Year, and thanks for visiting Easin’ Along. Give my best to Linda and the girls.
Will do! Thanks!
Hi Joe flipped over here from RV Sue’s blog. I enjoy your posts as well. You an Helen look like a really fun couple. Noticed Helen was working on a puzzle. I will be back to see what’s happening.
Hope you both have a Wonderful New Year.
Hey Barbara, I have enjoyed your contributions to Sue’s wonderful blog. Helen has had a puzzle in progress since the day she retired four years ago and takes it with her on our road trips. Thanks for visiting Easin’ Along and I hope you’ll come back. We leave on a “Snowbird” trip to sunny Florida in two weeks and would love to have you Ease Along with us. Have a Blessed New Year.
I’ve caught a few of your blog posts via my subscription to Military Living. Now it’s time to get signed up to read your blog every week!
Welcome aboard! We’re about to hit the road again and would love to have you Easin’ Along with us. Feel free to check out the archives if you feel a need to catch up. We love our Military Living readers, but only our trips to military installations are shared on their website. Come back on Friday for a new post and thanks for visiting.
Thanks for sharing such happy times….brings smiles with each post
Really appreciate the kind comments. We’re having a grand time and glad to have you along with us. Stay in touch!
Been subscribed and reading your easing along posts since Jan ’18 and really do appreciate the writings and pics. Being retired Army & Nat’l Guard the info on the military facilities is very informative and I thank you. I am also a Miltary Living subscriber and always look forward to your RV adventures. Keep the posts coming and happy motoring.
Hi, Rick,
Thanks for the nice comments. I think that the MWR facilities give us military types one of the best benefits out there. I never considered the travel opportunities while I was in uniform, but we certainly became good customers once I retired. Military Living magazine provided the motivation. Thanks for checking in. It’s great to hear from you. I’m curious about your username. Are you a radio enthusiast?
I met you through the “Retirement and Good Living” website. I’ve been asked to be a guest blogger so I’ve been reading a few blogs. I love yours because my husband and I bought a motor home–on a whim–three years ago. We love traveling across the USA. You give great information for people who are interested in starting this type of venture. I wish you and your lovely wife oceans of blessings!
I met you through the “Retirement and Good Living” website. I’ve been asked to be a guest blogger on traveling and volunteering, so I’ve been reading a few blogs. I love yours because my husband and I bought a motor home–on a whim–three years ago. We love traveling across the USA. You give great information for people who are interested in starting this type of venture. I wish you and your lovely wife oceans of blessings!
Hi, Sharon,
Thanks for the nice comments and good wishes. We entered the RV world about two years ago and immediately fell in love with the lifestyle. I’m sure you’ll agree that this is a great way to enjoy the “Golden Years.” Thanks for visiting Easin’ Along. I hope you will come back. We will be leaving on a three-month journey across the country in a few months and are very excited about it. Have a wonderful holiday season.
Recommendation if you haven’t already visited. D-Day memorial in Bedford, Va. Bedford lost more GIs per capita than any town in the US. The city financed it and is trying to get the Park Service to take it , but it is awesome when you’re standing there watching our boys wading in on the beach with sound effects and the water popping from enemy gunfire. If you haven’t been there, its worth a visit
Thanks for letting me know. I had not heard about this memorial. We hope to take an RV trip to the northeast next summer and I will put it on the route. Really appreciate it. Joe