Posted in Fun

A Big Splash of Family Fun in Seal Beach, CA

Seal Beach (CA) Surf

My apologies to my friends back east because it’s not fair. After driving across the country in temperatures of 100° or higher, we have spent the last month in fantastic weather. After leaving El Centro, CA, where the daytime temperatures soared above 110°, we arrived in San Diego and enjoyed 75° weather daily and 65° at night. I’m happy to report that those enviable conditions have remained unchanged for the last month.

We are now camping at the Naval Weapons Station in Seal Beach, CA, about 20 miles south of where our son lives with his family in Redondo Beach. Although we are not on the beach during this stay, we are within a mile of it, and the breeze from the Pacific keeps us very comfortable.

Abby, Justin, Wendy, and Carter at Seal Beach

Justin, Wendy, and the kids joined us last weekend in the campground. Justin is allowed to keep his camper in the storage facility at Seal Beach, so he pulled it from the lot and parked it next to Helen and me for two days. They also brought Honey, a sweet Golden Retriever, and Todd, a tiny long-haired daschund. Mortimer was delighted to have playmates.

Carter and BeBe play Pickleball

Helen finally persuaded Carter to play Pickleball with her on the road beside our campsite. He was a good sport about it and hit the ball well. When he put down his paddle, he hit the Volleyball with Abby. Volleyball is his preferred sport. Abby, Helen, and Justin spent the evening immersed in a jigsaw puzzle.

The next day, Justin rented a Paddleboard, and we all drove to Mother’s Beach in nearby Long Beach, CA. Seemingly, half the county had the same idea, so the crowd was enormous. Abby and Carter walked down the beach and away from the crowd to find a launch site for the Paddleboard. Wendy also grabbed a ride. The family drove home on Sunday, but only after we made plans for the Fourth.

Cheryl, Wendy’s Mom, hosted an annual Fourth of July gathering and invited Helen and me to join her around her pool and sample some great food. We joined in and had a great time with some extended family members. Abby was out with her friends at a block party. Justin operated the grill. The salads and dessert were extraordinary. I ate so much that I wished for a nap, but we had to return to Seal Beach, and I toughed it out.

At the campground, fireworks explode around us, creating noise resembling a war zone. Fireworks in Seal Beach are a no-no, but apparently, they are allowed in Long Beach and some neighboring cities around us. Most of the visible rockets were within a mile of us. I tried to capture a few on camera. The pictures below are the best I could come up with.

On Friday, Helen and I went for a walk on the Seal Beach pier along with many locals who had Friday off. We parked in the quaint section of town near the pier and window-shopped as we made our way to our destination. The open-air restaurants and bars were doing a landslide business. I noted a few for a visit later in the week. Some of the Mexican restaurants looked inviting.

Downtown Seal Beach, CA

Sunbathers covered most of the beach, and several surfers sat on their boards, eager for the next “big one.” The sun, out in full, made for a lovely day, but the breeze was cool enough to keep me out of the water–I suppose Californians are used to it, but most surfers were wearing wetsuits. After meeting our daily step-count goal, Helen and I returned to the campground.

Walking along the pier, Helen noticed a banner carried above the beach by a small airplane. Reacting to the banner, Helen said, “You won’t see many like that in Tennessee!”


By now, readers have probably noticed that we’re enjoying life at the speed of an aging turtle. It’s true, and it’s nothing like our usual lifestyle that hums from one event to another. (I’ve read three books so far, mainly during the day, something I rarely do). Don’t feel for us–we’re enjoying ourselves immensely. We came to California to spend time with our family and enjoy the downtime when they were not with us. We are blessed to have that opportunity. We have four more weeks in this cool California air and more time planned for family gatherings. Please stay with us.

Our Grandchildren

I’m Easin’ Along now–it’s time for a nap. Where’s my blanket?

Easin’ Along
Easin’ Along

12 thoughts on “A Big Splash of Family Fun in Seal Beach, CA

  1. Seal Beach looks very inviting. You are so lucky to have coolish weather. We hit 110 yesterday here in the Sierra foothills and I’m pretty sure that’s a record. What a great trip you are having. We don’t Rv in the summer at all (too many people) but do have plans for September.

    1. Good morning!
      Wow! 110° is downright scary, but I believe it. We had those temps coming across the country, and I understand that Palm Springs was even hotter this week. We usually make this trip when schools are in session, but we’ve been able to make reservations without much trouble this year, and have had a fabulous trip along the coast. Thanks for stopping by, and stay cool over there. Joe

  2. Thanks for sharing your trip and adventures. Hard not to be envious of that cool weather….but, fun to travel vicariously with you..

    1. Hi, Jennie,
      I’m not trying to rub it in, but wearing hoodies as the sun sets is fabulous! Thanks for joining us. Have a great week! Joe

  3. You guys should feel very fortunate. These 100 degree days are brutal. I don’t want to open the door. You enjoy every minute out there! Ann T

    1. Trust me–we are. If we went more than 10 miles inland, we’d be in the same situation. The breeze off the ocean is our best friend right now! Great to hear from you.

  4. Hi, Joe and Helen – You two definitely know how to live life and enjoy family and each other. Once again, your photos are beautiful.
    I must admit, that photo of the banner carried above the beach by a small airplane definitely made me do a double-take! 😀

    1. Good morning, Donna,
      We’re blessed with the opportunity to travel by RV and enjoy our grandchildren on each coast. Hopefully, we can continue for many more years. That banner caught the attention of many on the pier that day. We noticed it when a lady walking beside us let out a loud “My Goodness!” I doubt that many left for Target, however. Thanks for checking in. Have a fabulous week! Joe

  5. Joe, I may have mentioned this before but, if I did, I’ll say it again – you and Helen are poster children for a happy retirement. The two of you have it completely nailed down, and it’s wonderful to hear how much you’re enjoying life – no matter the pace. I’ll bet Helen is in her glory having grandchildren within hugging distance! Carry on, kids!

    1. Hello!
      Mary, if Helen had to wait one more day to see her grandchildren, I think she would have exploded. We have one more week in Seal Beach, and plan to spend much of it with the kids. That’s why we RV. I’ve really enjoyed following your trip and the adventures you two have had. We’re all blessed. Enjoy the road! Joe

  6. Joe, It’s wonderful to hear how you and Helen are enjoying retirement with family and extended family. I was in Philadelphia the first week of July and it was hot and humid (up to 118F). The fireworks on July 4th was spectacular there. Enjoy the pleasant temperatures and more family gatherings in CA!

    1. Good morning, Natalie,
      Retirement is a pretty good gig, and we didn’t want to spend it on the couch. I hear the heat back east is close to unbearable, so it doesn’t surprise me that Philly had it’s share. Come on out to the SoCal Coast, it is downright chilly here–and I love it. Enjoy your break. Can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to. Thanks for checking in! Joe

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