Posted in Fun

Easin’ Along is Westbound

California Coastline

We’re Easin’ Along toward the West Coast this week and, unfortunately, we had little time for an update. We’re going to miss our weekly chat, but we promise to catch you up as soon as we return. Please come back.

4 thoughts on “Easin’ Along is Westbound

    1. Hi, Ingrid,
      We’re on a short trip to visit family in Southern California. We love the weather and lifestyle out there, and the opportunity to visit our grandchildren is always a delight. Looking forward to AZ and UT next spring. Still hopeful we get a chance to meet. I would love some photography lessons.
      Take care!

    1. Hi, Arlene,
      We’re about 50 miles south of the fires and can see the smoke from our location. This is such a tragedy. We camped in that area last year and were stuck by the beauty of it. Prayers needed for the families who have lost everything.

      Thanks for stopping by. Stay in touch.

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